Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1998, Publicación: 87ª reunión CIT (1999)

Convenio sobre el desarrollo de los recursos humanos, 1975 (núm. 142) - Túnez (Ratificación : 1989)

Otros comentarios sobre C142

  1. 2003

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The Committee notes that the Government's report contains no reply to previous comments. It hopes that the next report will include full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee took note of the Government's second report on the application of the Convention which contains valuable information in reply to its request. It also notes the relevant information given in the Government's latest report on the application of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122). The Committee requests the Government to describe in its next report any new measures affecting the application of the Convention and, particularly, the provisions mentioned below:

Article 1. Please describe the parts of the IXth Economic and Social Development Plan (1997-2001) in regard to vocational training and guidance and supply the relevant extracts. Please continue to provide detailed information on the activities of the National Council for Vocational Training and Employment and its standing committees.

Article 2. Please indicate the measures taken or contemplated to ensure complementarity between vocational training and guidance activities within the educational system and those under the employment services.

Article 3, paragraphs 2 and 3. Please indicate whether information on the general aspects of collective agreements and the rights and obligations of all parties concerned under labour legislation is provided within the systems of vocational guidance and continuing information on employment, or in some other manner. Please supply specimens of the documentation made available for vocational guidance.

Article 4. Please continue to provide information on the reform of the vocational training system.

Part VI of the report form. Please forward extracts of any relevant reports, studies and inquiries or statistical data to allow the Committee to assess the practical application of the Convention.

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