Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1993, Publicación: 80ª reunión CIT (1993)

Convenio sobre la política del empleo, 1964 (núm. 122) - Perú (Ratificación : 1967)

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1. The Committee notes the communications from the following workers' organizations: the Fishermen's Union of Chimbote, dated 9 September 1992; the Single Union of Workers at Minero Perú, S.A., dated 1 June 1992; the General Confederation of Workers of Peru, dated 6 June 1992, which comments, among other matters, on the impact of structural adjustment on employment and income; the Federation of Workers of the Tejidos la Unión Ltda. Factory, S.A. ("Fede Unión"), dated 22 June 1992; the Union of Workers of Public Registers, dated 22 June 1992, in which reference is made to the impact of the reorganization of the National Office of Public Registers; and the Union of Employees of Hierro Perú, dated 14 September 1992.

2. The Committee notes the Government's observations received in February 1993 in relation to the points raised by the Federation of Workers of the Tejidos la Unión Ltda., S.A. Factory ("Fede Unión") and by the Union of Workers of Public Registers. With reference to the comments made by the organization of workers of the National Office of Public Registers (ONARP), the Government states that it inherited a public administration which was too large and inefficient, resulting in more precarious jobs with low levels of productivity. According to the Government, it was necessary to undertake a reorganization of the ONARP. The workers affected will be relocated to other state bodies, since various measures have been adopted within the framework of the Act to promote employment (Legislative Decree No. 728) to provide jobs which offer an adequate living standard.

3. The Committee notes the Government's report received on 23 February 1993. The Government supplies detailed information on the application of the Convention and information in reply to the Committee's previous comments in 1992. The Committee proposes to postpone until its next session in March 1994 its examination of the information contained in the above report. The Committee hopes that in the meanwhile the Government will consider it appropriate to make its observations on the other comments by workers' organizations, which note their concern at the deterioration in the labour market.

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