Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1993, Publicación: 80ª reunión CIT (1993)

Convenio sobre la discriminación (empleo y ocupación), 1958 (núm. 111) - Mauritania (Ratificación : 1963)

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In its observation of 1991, the Committee noted the recommendations of the Committee set up to examine the representation presented by the National Confederation of Workers of Senegal under article 24 of the ILO Constitution. These recommendations concerned, in particular, measures to determine the nationality of persons displaced from the territory of Mauritania in 1989 and who claim Mauritanian nationality, and reparation for the prejudice suffered by Mauritanian nationals who were displaced. The Governing Body asked the Government to supply, in a report to be sent by 15 October 1991 at the latest, information on the measures taken and on their results, with a view to giving effect to the recommendations of the Governing Body.

The Committee notes that the reports received from the Government in the course of 1992 do not contain the information requested and that the Government confines itself to indicating that negotiations between Senegal and Mauritania have begun with a view to finding a just and lasting solution for both countries to their dispute in 1989.

The Committee also notes that, during a direct contacts mission conducted in May 1992 and concerning the application by Mauritania of certain ILO Conventions, the Government did not provide specific information on the questions raised in the representation, or on the application of the Convention, but promised to gather the information and to transmit it in its future reports which would be detailed. The Committee notes with regret that the Government's last report, received in August 1992, contains no information on the measures that have been taken to give effect to the recommendations of the above-mentioned Committee. It trusts that the Government will provide full information on these matters in its next report.

Furthermore, the Committee repeats its previous comments on the application of the Convention in a request addressed directly to the Government.

REQUESTS The Government is asked to supply full particulars to the Conference at its 80th Session and to report in detail for the period ending 30 June 1993. #REPORT_DATE:30:06:1993

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