Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1992, Publicación: 79ª reunión CIT (1992)

Convenio sobre la protección del salario, 1949 (núm. 95) - Bélgica (Ratificación : 1970)

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  1. 2019
  2. 2006
  3. 2001
  4. 1995
  5. 1992

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The Committee takes note of the summary record of the meeting of the Social Affairs Committee of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives of 15 January 1991 concerning the use of meal vouchers. The Committee notes from the summary record that a motion was adopted declaring the meal voucher system to be contrary to the Act of 12 April 1965 concerning the protection of remuneration and to Convention No. 95. In the same motion, the Chamber asks the Government to take measures within the next 12 months to ensure that all remuneration for work is paid only in accordance with the national law, in both the public and private sectors.

The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the practice as gegards the use of the meal vouchers and on the measures taken or envisaged to apply the above-mentioned motion. It would be grateful if the Government would provide a copy of the Act of 28 December 1969 specifying the nature of the meal vouchers, referred to in the above-mentioned record.

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