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Reports requested and replies to CEACR comments: C006 - Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No. 6)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Cambodia1969RegularReceived (pdf, 276kb)
Central African Republic1960RegularRequested (pdf, 276kb)
Chad1960RegularReceived (pdf, 276kb)
Chile1925RegularObservation 2016Received (pdf, 276kb)
China - Macau Special Administrative Region1999RegularReceived (pdf, 276kb)
Colombia1983RegularDirect Request 2016Received (pdf, 276kb)
Comoros1978RegularRequested (pdf, 276kb)
Congo1960RegularRequested (pdf, 276kb)
Côte d'Ivoire1960RegularReceived (pdf, 276kb)
Denmark1923RegularReceived (pdf, 276kb)
Estonia1922RegularRequested (pdf, 276kb)
Faroe Islands1923RegularReceived (pdf, 276kb)
French Polynesia1940RegularReceived (pdf, 276kb)
Greenland1954RegularRequested (pdf, 276kb)
New Caledonia1940RegularRequested (pdf, 276kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Lao People's Democratic Republic1964Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Latvia1926Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Madagascar1960RegularDirect Request 2018 (pdf, 276kb)
Mali1960Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Myanmar1921RegularObservation 2017 (pdf, 276kb)
Nicaragua1934Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Niger1961Regular (pdf, 276kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Portugal1932RegularDirect Request 2019 (pdf, 276kb)
Romania1921Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Senegal1960Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Switzerland1922Regular (pdf, 276kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Albania1932Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Algeria1962RegularObservation 2021 (pdf, 276kb)
Angola1976Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Austria1924Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Belgium1924Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Benin1960Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Brazil1934Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Bulgaria1922Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Burkina Faso1960Regular (pdf, 276kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Gabon1960RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 276kb)
Guinea - Bissau1977Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Hungary1928Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Ireland1925Regular (pdf, 276kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Togo1960Regular (pdf, 276kb)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)1933RegularObservation 2023 (pdf, 276kb)
Viet Nam1994Regular (pdf, 276kb)
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