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Ratifications of C188 - Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188)

Date of entry into force: 16 Nov 2017

22 ratifications

  1. Denounced: 0


Angola 11 Oct 2016 In Force
Antigua and Barbuda 28 Jul 2021 In Force
Argentina 15 Sep 2011 In Force
Bosnia and Herzegovina 04 Feb 2010 In Force
Congo 14 May 2014 In Force
Denmark 03 Feb 2020 In Force
Estonia 03 May 2016 In Force
France 28 Oct 2015 In Force
Ghana 28 Aug 2024 Not in force The Convention will enter into force for Ghana on 28 Aug 2025.
Kenya 04 Feb 2022 In Force
Lithuania 16 Nov 2016 In Force
Morocco 16 May 2013 In Force
Namibia 20 Sep 2018 In Force
Netherlands 19 Dec 2019 In Force
Norway 08 Jan 2016 In Force
Poland 17 Dec 2019 In Force
Portugal 26 Nov 2019 In Force
Senegal 21 Sep 2018 In Force
South Africa 20 Jun 2013 In Force
Spain 28 Feb 2023 In Force
Thailand 30 Jan 2019 In Force
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 11 Jan 2019 In Force
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