Information System on International Labour Standards

Requested reports and replies to CEACR comments: Peru

New reporting schedule as revised according to the GB decision of June 2020.


Instrument(s)RatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
C0011945Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 296kb)
C0121962Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 148kb)
C0141945Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 287kb)
C0191945Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 310kb)
C0241945Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 46kb)
C0251960Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 44kb)
C0261962Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 38kb)
C029 (P029)1960Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 178kb) (pdf, 89kb)
C0441962Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 47kb)
C0521960Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 40kb)
C0621962Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 2475kb)
C0811960Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 66kb)
C0871960Out of cycle (Requested by ILC)see archivesReceived (pdf, 44kb)
C0991960Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 275kb)
C1011960Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 496kb)
C1021961Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 22537kb)
C1051960Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 35kb)
C1061988Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 467kb)
C1272008Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 52kb)
C1382002Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 60kb)
C1391976Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 696kb)
C1691994Out of cycle (Requested by CEACR)see archivesReceived (pdf, 855kb)
C1762008Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 787kb)
C1822002Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 69kb)
C1832016Regularsee archivesReceived (pdf, 31kb)


Instrument(s)RatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
C0221962RegularDirect Request 2016Received (pdf, 46kb)
C0231962RegularDirect Request 2016Received (pdf, 37kb)
C0271962RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
C0551962RegularDirect Request 2018Received (pdf, 541kb)
C0561962RegularDirect Request 2018Received (pdf, 47kb)
C0581962RegularReceived (pdf, 35kb)
C0681962RegularDirect Request 2016Received (pdf, 43kb)
C0691962RegularDirect Request 2016Received (pdf, 316kb)
C0711962RegularReceived (pdf, 40kb)
C0811960Out of cycle (Requested by CEACR)Observation 2023; Direct Request 2023Received (pdf, 66kb)
C1001960RegularObservation 2021; Direct Request 2021Received (pdf, 319kb)
C1111970RegularObservation 2021; Direct Request 2021Received (pdf, 54kb)
C1121962RegularObservation 2019Received (pdf, 34kb)
C1131962RegularObservation 2019Received (pdf, 36kb)
C1141962RegularObservation 2019Received (pdf, 362kb)
C1472004RegularDirect Request 2016Received (pdf, 174kb)
C1521988RegularDirect Request 2019Received (pdf, 1731kb)
C1691994Out of cycle (Requested by CEACR and by ILC)Observation 2023; Direct Request 2023Received (pdf, 855kb)
C1902022First reportReceived (pdf, 373kb)

2025 (provisional schedule)

Instrument(s)RatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
C0871960RegularObservation 2023; Direct Request 2023 (pdf, 44kb)
C0881962Regular (pdf, 64kb)
C0981964RegularObservation 2022 (pdf, 35kb)
C1221967Regular (pdf, 502kb)
C1442004RegularObservation 2022 (pdf, 49kb)
C1591986RegularObservation 2018; Direct Request 2018 (pdf, 638kb)

2026 (provisional schedule)

Instrument(s)RatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
C029 (P029)1960Regular (pdf, 178kb) (pdf, 89kb)
C0591962Regular (pdf, 266kb)
C0771962RegularDirect Request 2017 (pdf, 47kb)
C0781962RegularDirect Request 2017 (pdf, 411kb)
C0791962Regular (pdf, 440kb)
C0811960Regular (pdf, 66kb)
C0901962Regular (pdf, 474kb)
C1051960Regular (pdf, 35kb)
C1382002RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 60kb)
C1822002RegularObservation 2023; Direct Request 2023 (pdf, 69kb)

2027 (provisional schedule)

Instrument(s)RatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
C1001960Regular (pdf, 319kb)
C1111970Regular (pdf, 54kb)
C1561986RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 328kb)
C1691994Regular (pdf, 855kb)
C1892018Regular (pdf, 87kb)
C1902022Regular (pdf, 373kb)

2028 (provisional schedule)

Instrument(s)RatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
C0111945RegularDirect Request 2022 (pdf, 25kb)
C0871960Regular (pdf, 44kb)
C0981964Regular (pdf, 35kb)
C1221967Regular (pdf, 502kb)
C1442004Regular (pdf, 49kb)
C1511980RegularObservation 2022; Direct Request 2022 (pdf, 324kb)

2029 (provisional schedule)

2030 (provisional schedule)

Instrument(s)RatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
C0081962Regular (pdf, 41kb)
C0091962Regular (pdf, 266kb)
C0221962Regular (pdf, 46kb)
C0231962Regular (pdf, 37kb)
C0271962Regular (pdf, 31kb)
C0551962Regular (pdf, 541kb)
C0561962Regular (pdf, 47kb)
C0581962Regular (pdf, 35kb)
C0681962Regular (pdf, 43kb)
C0691962Regular (pdf, 316kb)
C0711962Regular (pdf, 40kb)
C0731962Regular (pdf, 439kb)
C1121962Regular (pdf, 34kb)
C1131962Regular (pdf, 36kb)
C1141962Regular (pdf, 362kb)
C1472004Regular (pdf, 174kb)
C1521988Regular (pdf, 1731kb)
C1782006Regular (pdf, 550kb)
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