Part II (Medical care) of the Convention. Provision of medical care, types of
benefits, and cost-sharing. (i) Articles 7 and 10. Morbid condition.
(ii) Article 10(1)(b), in conjunction with Article 49, Part VIII (Maternity
benefits). Maternity medical care benefits.
Part VI (Employment Injury Benefits), Article 35. Re-establishment of victims
of employment injury in suitable work and vocational rehabilitation.
Part VIII (Maternity Benefit), Articles 50 and 51. Maternity cash benefit.
Application in practice.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Article I of the Convention. General questions on application. Implementing
Article II. Definitions and scope of application. Seafarers. Ships.
Article VII. Consultations.
Regulation 1.1 and Standard A1.1, paragraphs 2 and 3. Minimum age. Night work.
Regulation 1.1 and Standard A1.1, paragraph 4. Minimum age. Hazardous work.
Regulation 1.2 and Standard A1.2, paragraphs 5 and 6. Medical certificate.
Right to have a further examination. Nature of medical examination.
Regulation 2.1 and the Code. Seafarers’ employment agreements.
Regulation 2.3 and the Code. Hours of work and hours of rest.
Regulation 2.5 and Standard A2.5.1, paragraphs 1 and 2(a). Repatriation.
Regulation 2.5 and Standard A2.5.2. Repatriation. Financial security.
Regulation 3.1 and Standard A3.1, paragraph 6(c), (d), (e). Accommodation and
recreational facilities. General requirements. Location of sleeping rooms.
Regulation 4.1 and Standard A4.1, paragraph 1(b). Medical care on board and
ashore. Protection comparable to workers ashore.
Regulation 4.1, paragraph 3. Medical care on board and ashore. Access to on
shore medical facilities for seafarers on board foreigner ships.
Regulation 4.1 and Standard A4.1, paragraph 4(d). Medical care on board and
ashore. Minimum Requirements. Medical advice by radio or satellite.
Regulation 4.2, Standard A4.2.1, paragraphs 8 to 14, and Standard A4.2.2.
Shipowners’ liability. Financial security.
Regulation 4.2, Standard A4.2.2, paragraph 3. Effective arrangements to
receive, deal with and impartially settle contractual claims.
Regulation 4.3, paragraph 2. Health and safety protection and accident
prevention. National guidelines.
Regulation 4.3 and Standard A4.3, paragraph 2(b). Health and safety protection
and accident prevention. Seafarers under the age of 18.
Regulation 4.3 and Standard A4.3, paragraph 3. Health and safety protection and
accident prevention. Regular review of laws and regulations.
Regulation 4.3 and Standard A4.3, paragraph 8. Health and safety protection and
accident prevention. Risk evaluation.
Regulation 4.4 and the Code. Access to shore-based welfare facilities.
Regulation 4.5 and the Code. Social security.
Regulation 5.1.2 and Standard A5.1.2, paragraph 1. Flag State responsibilities.
Authorization of recognized organizations. Recognition.
Regulation 5.1.3 and Standard A5.1.3, paragraph 12. Flag State
responsibilities. Maritime Labour Certificate and Declaration of Maritime Labour
Compliance (DMLC). Documents on board.
Regulation 5.1.4 and the Code. Flag State responsibilities. Inspection and
Regulation 5.1.4 and Standard A5.1.4, paragraph 7. Flag State responsibilities.
Inspection and enforcement. Powers of inspectors.
Regulation 5.1.4 and Standard A5.1.4, paragraph 12. Flag State
responsibilities. Inspection and enforcement. Reporting on inspections.
Regulation 5.1.5 and the Code. Flag State responsibilities. On-board Complaints
Regulation 5.1.6 and the Code. Flag State responsibilities. Marine casualties.