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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) - India (Ratification: 1992)

Other comments on C160

Direct Request
  1. 2015
  2. 2010
  3. 2004
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The Committee takes note of the Government’s report received in August 2009 with the documentation attached. It draws the Government’s attention to the following points.

Article 8 of the Convention.With reference to its previous request, the Committee once again asks the Government to provide the ILO with the methodological information regarding the 2001 population census, as soon as practicable, as provided for by Articles 5 and 6.

Articles 9, 10 and 11, with reference to Article 16. The Committee takes note of the detailed information provided by the Government in its report and through other sources relating to the application of these provisions. It notes in particular with interest that, with regard to statistics relating to average earnings in factories, mines and plantations under the Wages Act, the coverage limit is now extended to workers drawing less than 10,000 rupees (INR) per month, and that as regards the Occupational Wage Survey (OWS), the Labour Bureau has conducted different rounds of surveys covering a certain number of industries. The Committee invites the Government to continue to supply any updated statistics compiled on the subjects covered by these articles, together with details on their sources and methodology whenever necessary. It also encourages it to pursue and extend the collection and compilation of data on average wages to other branches of economic activity in such a way as they are representative of the country as a whole, and to shorten the time-lag between the compilation of statistics and their publication.

The Committee also draws to the Government’s attention the new international standards concerning the measurement of working time (see Resolution I, adopted by the 18th International Conference of Labour Statisticians whose larger number of concepts and measures are defined in depth. This instrument is available at

Articles 12 and 13 with reference to Article 16. Although these Articles were not accepted at the time of ratification, the Committee notes the statement by the Government that “all the Articles of Part II of this Convention have been accepted by the Government of India”. It notes in this regard with interest that information on statistics of consumer price indices (CPI) as well as information on household income and expenditure statistics continue to be provided. The Committee encourages the Government to continue to send relevant information with a view towards the eventual acceptance of this Article.

Article 14 with reference to Article 16. While recalling that the obligation under Article 14 has not been accepted, the Committee invites the Government to supply the statistics compiled on occupational injuries covering all branches of economic activity, and also to send particulars of their sources, methodology and publication, so as to be able to determine the extent to which progress has been made with respect to the provisions of this Article. The Committee also asks the Government once again to provide information on any developments with respect to the compilation of statistics of occupational diseases.

Article 15. In response to the previous direct request, the Government indicates that the Labour Bureau compiles statistics in compliance with the provisions of the Convention, under the Industrial Disputes Act 1974 which defines strikes and lockouts, permanent closures, retrenchments and lay‑offs affecting establishments with ten or more workers. The Committee notes that the relevant statistics are published annually in the Indian Labour Statistics (2006 being the latest – monthly data are also available). The Committee notes that the official website only provides annual statistics to the year 2005 for total number of strikes and lockouts, workers involved and workdays lost; and provisional statistics by (public/private) sector for two months each year from 2007 to 2010.

The Committee also notes that as reported in previous years and described in the national publication, statistics of strikes and lockouts are reported by industrial units on a voluntary basis to the authorities of the State Labour Departments and Regional Labour Commissioners (Central). Consolidated returns are furnished to the Labour Bureau monthly. Statistics for the whole country and for all sectors and regions of the country are compiled and classified by States, by sector (central, state and total), branch of economic activity (industry sectors), by cause and method of settlement, etc. Political strikes and sympathetic demonstrations resulting in work stoppages are excluded as they are considered unconnected with any specific demand of the employees which may be within the competence of the employers concerned for redressal. The publication states that statistics related to these groups are collected and published separately.

The Committee requests the Government to inform the ILO of any action it intends to take to implement fully the international guidelines by including strikes that are political, sympathetic and the like within its definition of strikes and lockouts and supply them to the ILO for dissemination.

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