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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 82nd ILC session (1995)

Labour Administration Convention, 1978 (No. 150) - Suriname (Ratification: 1981)

Other comments on C150

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The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in reply to its previous comments. It would be grateful if the Government would provide further information on the points raised below.

Article 1 of the Convention. The Committee notes Decree SB 1992 No. 71 regarding the organization and structure of the Ministry of Labour. It would however reiterate its previous request for information on the staffing and field structure of the labour administration.

Article 4. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government that through an ILO employment project the Ministry of Labour has been strengthened, the staff is receiving training, and some equipment like computers and transport vehicles is being made available. Please give more particulars on how such assistance and any other future inputs of material means and financial resources are improving the effective operation of the system of labour administration.

Article 5. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes the information regarding the various tripartite bodies such as the National Planning Board which was never operational, the Mediation Board, and the most successful Labour Advisory Council. Please indicate how bodies like the Mediation Board and the National Advisory Council operate at the local levels and at the different sectors of economic activity. The Committee would also be grateful if the Government would provide its views on the comments made by the Suriname Trade and Industry Association (STIA) on the existing arrangements for mediation and other dispute settlement machinery. Please provide information on the STIA's statement that the Mediation Board has for some time now been incomplete and has required to be supplemented by the Labour Advisory Council.

Article 7. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes the statement that there is no concrete information available regarding the promotion of the extension of labour administration activities to workers engaged in occupations listed in this Article. Please communicate any information on progress made in this respect.

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