Information System on International Labour Standards

Freedom of association cases

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  1. CASE_NUMBER 3187 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-NOV-15the Syndicat unique des travailleurs de la sidérurgie et des secteurs connexes de l’Etat de Bolívar (SUTISS) and National Union of Workers of Venezuela (UNETE)
  2. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO384, March 2018 ( 565 - 574 )
  3. CASE_NUMBER 3082 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-JUN-14National Union of Workers of Venezuela (UNETE), Federation of Bolivarian Trade Unions of the State of Carabobo (FUSBEC) and Single Union of Workers of Galletera Carabobo (SINTRAEGALLETERA) Imposition of compulsory arbitration after a breakdown of collective bargaining in the enterprise Galletera Carabobo and violent break-up of a trade union demonstration and arrest of trade unionists
  4. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO382, June 2017 ( 628 - 638 )
  5. Interim Report - REPORT_NO375, June 2015 ( 666 - 693 )
  6. CASE_NUMBER 3016 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-MRZ-13Union of Workers of the Ministry of Science and Technology (SITRAMCT), National Union of Workers of Venezuela (UNETE) and National Alliance of Cement Workers (ANTRACEM) : Non-compliance with the clauses of various collective agreements and anti-union practices in a public cement enterprise
  7. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO407, June 2024 ( 50 - 52 )
  8. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO384, March 2018 ( 548 - 564 )
  9. Interim Report - REPORT_NO376, October 2015 ( 1009 - 1038 )
  10. Interim Report - REPORT_NO371, March 2014 ( 937 - 972 )
  11. CASE_NUMBER 2968 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 16-NOV-12Association of Teachers of the Central University of Venezuela (APUCV)Adoption of the Basic Act on Labour and Workers (LOTTT) without consultation with the representative organizations and with content that is in violation of the Conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining
  12. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO375, June 2015 ( 619 - 630 )
  13. Interim Report - REPORT_NO373, October 2014 ( 531 - 546 )
  14. Interim Report - REPORT_NO368, June 2013 ( 986 - 1023 )
  15. CASE_NUMBER 2955 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-MAI-12Single Federation of Workers in the Oil, Gas and its Related Derivatives of Venezuela (FUTPV)
  16. CASE_NUMBER 2827 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-DEZ-10National Union of Workers of the National Institute for Socialist Training and Education (SINTRAINCES) The complainant organization alleges a failure to abide by collective agreements, anti-union reprisals and impediments to collective bargaining and strike action
  17. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO384, March 2018 ( 50 - 57 )
  18. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 1295 - 1309 )
  19. Interim Report - REPORT_NO364, June 2012 ( 1086 - 1124 )
  20. CASE_NUMBER 2736 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-OKT-09Single Organized National Trade Union of Workers of the Judiciary (SUONTRAJ) supported by Public Services International (PSI) Anti-union dismissals, hampering of free elections of trade union officials, violation of the freedom to bargain collectively, restriction of the right of assembly in the judicial sector
  21. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO370, October 2013 ( 107 - 110 )
  22. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 127 - 130 )
  23. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO357, June 2010 ( 1190 - 1265 )
  24. CASE_NUMBER 2727 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-JUN-09Confederation of Workers of Venezuela (CTV)The Venezuelan Workers’ Confederation (CTV) alleges: (1) that the Office of the Attorney General has brought charges of boycotting against six workers of the enterprise Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) for staging protests to demand their labour rights; (2) that protests have been criminalized and legal proceedings initiated at various enterprises, and that union officials have been dismissed in connection with these protests; (3) the murder of three officials of the Bolivarian Union of Workers in the Construction Industry in El Tigre and of two union delegates in the Los Anaucos district in June 2009; (4) the contract killings of more than 200 workers and union officials in the construction sector; and (5) persistent refusal by the public authorities to bargain collectively in the health, oil, electricity and national university sectors, among others
  25. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO368, June 2013 ( 155 - 161 )
  26. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO364, June 2012 ( 1060 - 1085 )
  27. Interim Report - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 1166 - 1190 )
  28. Interim Report - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 954 - 983 )
  29. Interim Report - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 1630 - 1654 )
  30. CASE_NUMBER 2711 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 12-MAI-09National Press Trade Union (SNTP)Violent suppression and dissolution of a commemorative trade union demonstration on May Day and restrictions and interference by the authorities in the exercise of the right of free election of officials of the complainant trade union
  31. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 124 - 126 )
  32. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO357, June 2010 ( 1159 - 1189 )
  33. CASE_NUMBER 2674 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-JUL-08Venezuelan Workers' Confederation (CTV) Obstacles to collective bargaining with public sector trade unions belonging to the CTV and actions by the authorities to expropriate various trade union federations belonging to the CTV or deprive them of their premises
  34. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO370, October 2013 ( 103 - 106 )
  35. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 1153 - 1165 )
  36. Interim Report - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 934 - 953 )
  37. Interim Report - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 1582 - 1629 )
  38. CASE_NUMBER 2579 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-MAI-07Latin American Federation of Education and Culture Workers (FLATEC) and Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) Obstacles raised by the authorities to collective bargaining in the Ministry of Education and Sport
  39. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 294 - 297 )
  40. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 1679 - 1701 )
  41. CASE_NUMBER 2428 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-MAI-05The Venezuelan Medical Federation (FMV)Delays and obstacles to collective bargaining by public sector doctors in three public institutions
  42. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO370, October 2013 ( 96 - 102 )
  43. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 110 - 120 )
  44. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 189 - 199 )
  45. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 196 - 201 )
  46. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 1401 - 1441 )
  47. CASE_NUMBER 2422 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 04-AUG-05The Single National Union of Public, Professional, Technical and Administrative Employees of the Ministry of Health and Social Development (SUNEP-SAS), supported by Public Services International (PSI) (1) Decision of the National Electoral Council (CNE) to suspend and withhold recognition of the SUNEP-SAS elections despite the fact that they met all legal requirements; (2) failure of the CNE to give a ruling on the SUNEP-SAS claim; (3) refusal of the authorities in 2003 to negotiate a draft collective agreement; (4) subsequent refusal of the authorities in 2005 to allow the participation of SUNEP-SAS in talks on a draft collective agreement in the public health sector presented by FENASINTRASALUD – a less representative organization – on the grounds that union elections at SUNEP-SAS were overdue, and using this as a pretext to deny that union’s right to conclude collective agreements; and (5) refusal to grant trade union leave to the executive officials of the Anzoátegui section of SUNEP-SAS on the grounds that union elections were overdue. The complainant organization claims to be the most representative organization in the sector and that it has hitherto been the organization that has had the right to be recognized for collective bargaining
  48. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 1139 - 1152 )
  49. Interim Report - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 911 - 933 )
  50. Interim Report - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 1558 - 1581 )
  51. Interim Report - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 1399 - 1427 )
  52. Interim Report - REPORT_NO348, November 2007 ( 1326 - 1348 )
  53. Interim Report - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 1020 - 1039 )
  54. CASE_NUMBER 2411 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-FEB-05The Venezuelan Workers' Confederation (CTV)The complainant alleges that on 20 December 2004 the National Electoral Council enacted a new “Statute on the election of trade union officials” with which workers’ organizations must comply in order legitimately to be able to conduct their business, and that on 3 February 2005 the Ministry of Labour issued a resolution giving trade union organizations 30 days to provide information on their administration and register of members in a form that includes each worker’s complete identity, place of residence and signature; the Ministry of Labour has demonstrated its lack of impartiality and the members risk acts of anti-trade union discrimination; the CTV adds that on 12 January 2005, the National Electoral Council cancelled the 2001 elections of its executive committee
  55. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 1362 - 1400 )
  56. CASE_NUMBER 2357 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-MAI-04The Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) supported by the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) Anti-trade union dismissals of trade union members of the state government of the State of Táchira, for exercising their right to strike, as well as groundless accusations regarding criminal acts, levelled at the trade union members; refusal on the part of the employer to comply with legal rulings in favour of the abovementioned trade union members; threats against trade union members
  57. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 1604 - 1632 )
  58. CASE_NUMBER 2353 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 20-MAI-04The Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT)Interference by the authorities in the complainant’s trade union elections in the public health sector of Carabobo State; the National Electoral Council forced the complainant to hold new (partial) elections; the trade union headquarters were seized by force by security forces; individuals on one of the lists of candidates were denied access to trade union headquarters; and the National Guard, in collaboration with activists from the Government’s party, erroneously assigned more than 300 votes to the other list of candidates
  59. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO336, March 2005 ( 844 - 865 )
  60. CASE_NUMBER 2322 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-JAN-04The Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT)
  61. CASE_NUMBER 2249 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 20-FEB-03The Venezuelan Workers' Confederation (CTV), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), and the National Union of Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Refinery Workers (UNAPETROL) and the National Single Federation of Public Employees (FEDEUNEP)Murder of a trade unionist; refusal to register a trade union; hostile statements by the authorities against the CTV; detention order against the CTV president; promotion of a parallel confederation by the authorities; obstruction of collective bargaining in the oil industry; detention orders and criminal proceedings against trade union officials; dismissal of more than 19,000 workers because of their trade union activities; non-compliance with collective agreements; interference by the authorities and by the Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) enterprise, and anti-union acts; delays in proceedings concerning violations of trade union rights; negotiation with minority public employee organizations in disregard of the most representative ones; and action by the authorities to divide trade unions.
  62. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 116 - 123 )
  63. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO357, June 2010 ( 89 - 117 )
  64. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 188 - 195 )
  65. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 298 - 307 )
  66. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 237 - 243 )
  67. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 179 - 203 )
  68. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 1390 - 1499 )
  69. Interim Report - REPORT_NO334, June 2004 ( 827 - 876 )
  70. Interim Report - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 1037 - 1140 )
  71. CASE_NUMBER 2202 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-FEB-02The Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT)Legislative violation of the right to bargain collectively of public servants
  72. CASE_NUMBER 2191 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-APR-02The Latin American Federation of Workers in the Cultural and Educational Sectors (FLATEC)The complainant organization alleges that the Ministry of Education authorities suspended the check-off facility for trade union dues of workers in trade unions affiliated to the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers
  73. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 185 - 187 )
  74. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 1148 - 1163 )
  75. CASE_NUMBER 2161 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-NOV-01The Single Trade Union of the Workers of the "Sofía Imbert" Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas (SUTRACCSI)Anti-union dismissals, acts of interference, delays in registration of a trade union
  76. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 167 - 170 )
  77. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 182 - 184 )
  78. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO331, June 2003 ( 98 - 101 )
  79. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 1131 - 1147 )
  80. Interim Report - REPORT_NO328, June 2002 ( 661 - 676 )
  81. CASE_NUMBER 2160 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-OKT-01The Trade Union of Revolutionary Workers of the New Millennium Refusal to register a trade union; anti-union dismissal of its founders
  82. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO355, November 2009 ( 140 - 143 )
  83. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 291 - 293 )
  84. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO348, November 2007 ( 179 - 181 )
  85. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 176 - 178 )
  86. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO336, March 2005 ( 135 - 137 )
  87. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO334, June 2004 ( 89 - 91 )
  88. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 164 - 166 )
  89. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 177 - 179 )
  90. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO328, June 2002 ( 648 - 660 )
  91. CASE_NUMBER 2154 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-SEP-01The Venezuelan Workers' Confederation (CTV), the Road Workers' Union of the State of Trujillo and the Construction and Timber Industry Workers' Federation of Venezuela (FETRACONSTRUCCION)Unfair dismissals and denial of justice
  92. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 161 - 163 )
  93. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO331, June 2003 ( 736 - 748 )
  94. Interim Report - REPORT_NO329, November 2002 ( 799 - 817 )
  95. CASE_NUMBER 2088 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-MAI-00The National Organized Single Trade Union of Court and Council of the Judicature Workers (SUONTRAJ)Dismissals and disciplinary proceedings against trade union officers of the Judiciary, obstruction of collective bargaining, limitations on the use of the trade union headquarters of the complainant organization, detention of a trade union officer and surveillance of a trade union officer.
  96. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO348, November 2007 ( 167 - 178 )
  97. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO343, November 2006 ( 202 - 207 )
  98. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 220 - 223 )
  99. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 167 - 179 )
  100. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 1024 - 1036 )
  101. Interim Report - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 1112 - 1130 )
  102. Interim Report - REPORT_NO325, June 2001 ( 590 - 605 )
  103. CASE_NUMBER 2080 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-MRZ-00The C.A. Metro de Caracas Workers' Union (SITRAMECA)Interference by the authorities in a trade union merger
  104. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO325, June 2001 ( 92 - 95 )
  105. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO324, March 2001 ( 995 - 1013 )
  106. CASE_NUMBER 2067 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-FEB-00The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the Venezuelan Workers' Confederation (CTV), the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT), the Trade Union Federation of Communications Workers of Venezuela (FETRACOMUNICACIONES), the Trade Union of National Assembly Legislative Workers (SINOLAN) and other organizationsAnti-union legislation, suspension of collective bargaining following a decision by the authorities, convening of a national referendum on trade union issues, hostility on the part of the authorities towards a trade union confederation
  107. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 165 - 176 )
  108. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO326, November 2001 ( 494 - 517 )
  109. Interim Report - REPORT_NO325, June 2001 ( 576 - 589 )
  110. Interim Report - REPORT_NO324, March 2001 ( 940 - 994 )
  111. CASE_NUMBER 2058 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-SEP-99The Trade Union of Congressional Employees and Workers - New Trade Union Structures (SINTRANES)Obstruction of bargaining for a collective agreement
  112. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 179 - 181 )
  113. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 162 - 164 )
  114. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO323, November 2000 ( 544 - 554 )
  115. CASE_NUMBER 1993 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-OKT-98The Trade Union of Public Employees of the Venezuelan Scientific Research Institute (SEPIVIC)Obstruction of collective bargaining procedure for public servants; refusal to negotiate certain clauses; delay in ruling on administrative appeals
  116. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO323, November 2000 ( 102 - 105 )
  117. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO318, November 1999 ( 568 - 595 )
  118. CASE_NUMBER 1986 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-OKT-98The Single Union of Workers of FUNDARTE (SINTRAFUNDARTE)Dismissals and other anti-union acts
  119. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 1106 - 1111 )
  120. Interim Report - REPORT_NO324, March 2001 ( 927 - 939 )
  121. Interim Report - REPORT_NO318, November 1999 ( 534 - 567 )
  122. CASE_NUMBER 1952 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-FEB-98The Trade Union of Professional Fire-Fighters and Allied Workers of the Federal District and the State of Miranda (SINPROBOM)Acts of anti-union discrimination and intimidation against trade unionists in the fire-fighting service
  123. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 164 - 166 )
  124. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 151 - 160 )
  125. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO331, June 2003 ( 78 - 97 )
  126. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO327, March 2002 ( 121 - 129 )
  127. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO323, November 2000 ( 98 - 101 )
  128. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO318, November 1999 ( 86 - 88 )
  129. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO313, March 1999 ( 285 - 303 )
  130. Interim Report - REPORT_NO310, June 1998 ( 592 - 608 )
  131. CASE_NUMBER 1902 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 04-SEP-96The Trade Union of Professional Fire-Fighters and Allied Workers of the Federal District and the State of Miranda (SINPROBOM)Denial of fire-fighters' right to organize and to bargain collectively
  132. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO308, November 1997 ( 685 - 705 )
  133. CASE_NUMBER 1895 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-JUL-96The Single Grass-roots Union of Workers of the Department of Education (SUBATRA)Detention and eventual trial of a trade union officer as a reprisal for trade union activities
  134. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO320, March 2000 ( 90 - 92 )
  135. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO308, November 1997 ( 672 - 684 )
  136. CASE_NUMBER 1828 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-APR-95The Federation of Professional Pilots Trade Unions of Venezuela (FESPAVEN)Use of subcontracting for anti-union purposes
  137. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO309, March 1998 ( 404 - 420 )
  138. CASE_NUMBER 1827 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 04-APR-95The Federation of Aeronautical Trade Unions of Venezuela (FGAV)Anti-union reprisals following a labour dispute, including a change in labour status and limitations on basic trade union rights
  139. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO304, June 1996 ( 512 - 530 )
  140. CASE_NUMBER 1822 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-FEB-95The National Press Trade Union (SNTP)Excessive period of conciliation for collective bargaining; anti-union closure of an enterprise
  141. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO305, November 1996 ( 67 - 69 )
  142. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO304, June 1996 ( 499 - 511 )
  143. CASE_NUMBER 1812 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-OKT-94The International Secretariat of Arts, Communications and Maintenance Trade Unions/International Federation of Audiovisual Workers (ISETU/FISTAV)Employer interference in the establishment of a trade union
  144. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO318, November 1999 ( 83 - 85 )
  145. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO313, March 1999 ( 270 - 284 )
  146. Interim Report - REPORT_NO309, March 1998 ( 387 - 403 )
  147. Interim Report - REPORT_NO307, June 1997 ( 471 - 479 )
  148. Interim Report - REPORT_NO302, March 1996 ( 519 - 534 )
  149. CASE_NUMBER 1797 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 19-SEP-94The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
  150. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO297, March 1995 ( 127 - 136 )
  151. CASE_NUMBER 1739 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-SEP-93The Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT)
  152. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO295, November 1994 ( 389 - 397 )
  153. CASE_NUMBER 1685 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 17-NOV-92The Union of Workers in the Textile, Clothing and Allied Industries of the Federal District and the State of Miranda (UTIT)
  154. Interim Report - REPORT_NO297, March 1995 ( 432 - 450 )
  156. Interim Report - REPORT_NO291, November 1993 ( 489 - 504 )
  157. CASE_NUMBER 1672 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-OKT-92The Venezuelan Federation of Professional Airline Pilots' Trade Unions (FESPAVEN)
  158. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO287, June 1993 ( 335 - 342 )
  159. CASE_NUMBER 1636 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-MRZ-92The Trade Union Federation of Pilots and Professional Aviators of Venezuela (FESPAVEN)
  160. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO284, November 1992 ( 93 - 107 )
  161. CASE_NUMBER 1626 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-FEB-92The National Union of Press Workers (SNTP)
  162. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO284, November 1992 ( 82 - 92 )
  163. CASE_NUMBER 1612 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-JUL-91The International Organization of Employers (IOE) and the Venezuelan Federation of Chambers and Associations of Commerce and Production (FEDECAMARAS)
  164. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO298, March 1995 ( 1 - 24 )
  165. Interim Report - REPORT_NO290, June 1993 ( 1 - 34 )
  166. CASE_NUMBER 1611 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-NOV-91The Latin American Federation for Education and Cultural Workers (FLATEC), the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL)
  167. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO284, November 1992 ( 326 - 340 )
  168. CASE_NUMBER 1578 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-APR-91The General Confederation of Workers (CGT)
  169. Interim Report - REPORT_NO281, March 1992 ( 384 - 398 )
  170. CASE_NUMBER 1535 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-MAI-90Sole Confederation of Venezuelan Workers (CUTV)
  171. CASE_NUMBER 1533 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-APR-90The Venezuelan General Confederation of Labour (CGT)
  172. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO277, March 1991 ( 36 - 46 )
  173. CASE_NUMBER 1501 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 02-JUN-89The National Federation of Workers of the International Bank (FETRABIN)
  174. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO275, November 1990 ( 144 - 151 )
  175. Interim Report - REPORT_NO270, March 1990 ( 335 - 357 )
  177. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO270, March 1990 ( 124 - 140 )
  178. CASE_NUMBER 1453 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-MAI-88THE NATIONAL TRADE UNION OF PRESS WORKERS (SNTP)Violations of collective bargaining (press branch)
  179. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO265, June 1989 ( 21 - 29 )
  180. CASE_NUMBER 1412 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 17-JUN-87THE WORLD CONFEDERATION OF LABOUR (WCL)
  181. Interim Report - REPORT_NO256, June 1988 ( 347 - 360 )
  182. Interim Report - REPORT_NO253, November 1987 ( 381 - 391 )
  183. CASE_NUMBER 1408 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-JUN-87THE INDEPENDENT UNION OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF VENEZUELADenial to recognize a trade union
  184. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO256, June 1988 ( 196 - 213 )
  186. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO254, March 1988 ( 164 - 179 )
  188. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 330 - 348 )
  189. CASE_NUMBER 628 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-APR-70The Union of Workers in the Metallurgical, Mechanical and Related Industries (Venezuela)
  190. CASE_NUMBER 625 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-APR-70The Federation of Electrical Workers of Venezuela
  191. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO121, 1971 ( 16 - 22 )
  192. CASE_NUMBER 617 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-DEZ-69The International Metalworkers' Federation
  193. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO116, 1970 ( 55 - 62 )
  194. CASE_NUMBER 535 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-SEP-67Central Federation of Chilean Workers
  195. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO103, 1968 ( 72 - 79 )
  196. CASE_NUMBER 485 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-JUN-66Sole Confederation of Venezuelan Workers and the World Federation of Trade Unions
  197. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO122, 1971 ( 22 - 32 )
  198. Interim Report - REPORT_NO108, 1969 ( 164 - 191 )
  199. Interim Report - REPORT_NO101, 1968 ( 269 - 298 )
  200. Interim Report - REPORT_NO95, 1967 ( 271 - 290 )
  201. CASE_NUMBER 462 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-NOV-65Various locals or branches of the Workers' Centre of Revolutionary Cuba
  202. CASE_NUMBER 390 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-APR-64Committee for Trade Union Co-ordination of Workers of Latin America
  203. CASE_NUMBER 347 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-JUN-63The Printing Workers' Union of Zulia
  204. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO75, 1964 ( 24 - 31 )
  205. CASE_NUMBER 122 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-MAI-53Various Trade Union Organisations
  206. Interim Report - REPORT_NO20, 1956 ( 3 - 100 )
  207. CASE_NUMBER 72 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-DEZ-53Various Trade Union Organisations
  208. Interim Report - REPORT_NO20, 1956 ( 3 - 100 )
  209. CASE_NUMBER 2 (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-MAI-50The American Federation of Labor and the Venezuelan General Confederation of Labour
  210. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO6, 1953 ( 945 - 1013 )
  211. Interim Report - REPORT_NO1, 1952 ( 119 - 129 )
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