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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
Articles 1 and 5 of the Convention. Implementation of vocational education and training policies and programmes. The Government reports that amendments to the Conceptual Framework of the State Vocational Guidance System (the Framework) were introduced by Cabinet of Ministers Decree No. 561 of 9 September 2017, with the aim of ensuring that the vocational guidance system is able to respond effectively to challenges in the labour market and assist young persons in entering the world of work. The amendments specify, inter alia, new areas for the State Vocational Guidance System to develop technology, including modern information communications technology, and to provide public access to vocational guidance. The Committee takes note of the Ukraine country report of the European Training Foundation, October 2018 (ETF report), which indicates that the labour market faces multiple challenges, including different types of skills mismatch, particularly high levels of over-qualification, and that the Ukrainian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, which consists of a large number of VET institutions of varying organizational types and statuses, requires urgent attention. The ETF report suggests that the solution should focus on adopting a good performance management system, improving cooperation with employers and adopting a demand-driven approach. The Committee notes that, according to the ETF report, following extensive consultations with different stakeholders, the Modern Vocational Education: Reform Concept for Vocational Education in Ukraine was adopted in May 2018. It determines the objectives, means of development, key components of the modern vocational education system, and key measures, inter alia, decentralizing the governance and autonomy of VET institutions to enable local reforms, guaranteeing the quality of vocational education, creating an effective network to enable lifelong learning and establishing a modern educational environment that enables accessibility, inclusiveness and gender-responsiveness. The Government indicates that, in 2018, the Ministry of Social Policy began drafting an action plan for the implementation of the Framework for the State Vocational Guidance System through 2023. The Committee notes that the Arrangements for the Vocational Training, Retraining and Skills Development of Persons Registered as Unemployed (Order No. 1482/1277 of 15 September 2017) have been amended, introducing new forms of vocational training for the registered unemployed. Amendments were also introduced in 2015 to expand the categories of persons entitled to receive training vouches to support their employability. The Government indicates that the State Employment Service (SES) offers a range of vocational guidance and training services, including vocational information, vocational advice and training. In addition, the Government is developing a system for validating informal vocational training with a view to enhancing employability. The Committee notes that, according to the ETF Report, the process of establishing independent centres to recognize non-formal vocational learning outcomes and ensure the objective assessment of the quality of VET graduates’ education has been under way since March 2016. Furthermore, the Government indicates that unemployment centres implement targeted measures to promote the employment of women, people with lower skills, young people, persons with disabilities, participants in anti-terrorist operations, internally displaced people and pupils from general education schools. In 2017, three million people benefited from vocational guidance services, 1.1 million of whom were registered unemployed and included: 564,000 women; 410,000 young people below the age of 35; 397,000 unemployed persons covered by additional guarantees in terms of employment, of whom 41,000 were living with disabilities, 42,000 were participants in anti-terrorist operations, and 14,000 were internally displaced. The Government indicates that the current legal framework provides for the involvement of the social partners, civil society and charitable organizations in delivering vocational guidance. The SES also promotes the employment of unemployed persons by organizing vocational training, retraining and skills development training, particularly in vocational, technical and higher educational institutions. It provides training vouchers to support employability through retraining, training in specialist skills and developing skills required by priority economic sectors. In 2017, 163,000 unemployed persons benefited from training, of whom 76,000 were women; 53,000 were young persons under 35; and 55,000 were persons covered by additional guarantees in terms of employment. The latter figure included 4,000 persons with disabilities; more than 3,000 participants in anti-terrorist operations and 2,000 internally displaced persons. The Committee refers to its 2019 observation on the application of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), in which it requests the Government to provide information concerning initiatives taken in collaboration with the social partners to facilitate skills training, as well as detailed information on the impact of such initiatives in ensuring training which corresponds to current and future labour market needs and assisting unemployed persons to enter and remain in the labour market.The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the implementation and outcomes of the policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training, including with respect to improving cooperation with employers and adopting a demand-driven approach. It also requests the Government to provide a copy of the action plan to implement the Conceptual Framework for the State Vocational Guidance System for the period until 2023, once it is adopted and to provide updated information concerning the development and implementation of a system for validating informal vocational training. Furthermore, the Committee requests the Government to provide specific information on measures taken to promote the cooperation and engagement of employers’ and workers’ organizations and other interested bodies in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes. The Government is also requested to communicate extracts from reports, studies and inquiries and statistical data relating to the application in practice of the provisions of the Convention (Part VI of the report form).


Articles 1 and 5 of the Convention. Implementation of vocational education and training policies and programmes. The Government reports that amendments to the Conceptual Framework of the State Vocational Guidance System (the Framework) were introduced by Cabinet of Ministers Decree No. 561 of 9 September 2017, with the aim of ensuring that the vocational guidance system is able to respond effectively to challenges in the labour market and assist young persons in entering the world of work. The amendments specify, inter alia, new areas for the State Vocational Guidance System to develop technology, including modern information communications technology, and to provide public access to vocational guidance. The Committee takes note of the Ukraine country report of the European Training Foundation, October 2018 (ETF report), which indicates that the labour market faces multiple challenges, including different types of skills mismatch, particularly high levels of over-qualification, and that the Ukrainian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, which consists of a large number of VET institutions of varying organizational types and statuses, requires urgent attention. The ETF report suggests that the solution should focus on adopting a good performance management system, improving cooperation with employers and adopting a demand-driven approach. The Committee notes that, according to the ETF report, following extensive consultations with different stakeholders, the Modern Vocational Education: Reform Concept for Vocational Education in Ukraine was adopted in May 2018. It determines the objectives, means of development, key components of the modern vocational education system, and key measures, inter alia, decentralizing the governance and autonomy of VET institutions to enable local reforms, guaranteeing the quality of vocational education, creating an effective network to enable lifelong learning and establishing a modern educational environment that enables accessibility, inclusiveness and gender-responsiveness. The Government indicates that, in 2018, the Ministry of Social Policy began drafting an action plan for the implementation of the Framework for the State Vocational Guidance System through 2023. The Committee notes that the Arrangements for the Vocational Training, Retraining and Skills Development of Persons Registered as Unemployed (Order No. 1482/1277 of 15 September 2017) have been amended, introducing new forms of vocational training for the registered unemployed. Amendments were also introduced in 2015 to expand the categories of persons entitled to receive training vouches to support their employability. The Government indicates that the State Employment Service (SES) offers a range of vocational guidance and training services, including vocational information, vocational advice and training. In addition, the Government is developing a system for validating informal vocational training with a view to enhancing employability. The Committee notes that, according to the ETF Report, the process of establishing independent centres to recognize non-formal vocational learning outcomes and ensure the objective assessment of the quality of VET graduates’ education has been under way since March 2016. Furthermore, the Government indicates that unemployment centres implement targeted measures to promote the employment of women, people with lower skills, young people, persons with disabilities, participants in anti-terrorist operations, internally displaced people and pupils from general education schools. In 2017, three million people benefited from vocational guidance services, 1.1 million of whom were registered unemployed and included: 564,000 women; 410,000 young people below the age of 35; 397,000 unemployed persons covered by additional guarantees in terms of employment, of whom 41,000 were living with disabilities, 42,000 were participants in anti-terrorist operations, and 14,000 were internally displaced. The Government indicates that the current legal framework provides for the involvement of the social partners, civil society and charitable organizations in delivering vocational guidance. The SES also promotes the employment of unemployed persons by organizing vocational training, retraining and skills development training, particularly in vocational, technical and higher educational institutions. It provides training vouchers to support employability through retraining, training in specialist skills and developing skills required by priority economic sectors. In 2017, 163,000 unemployed persons benefited from training, of whom 76,000 were women; 53,000 were young persons under 35; and 55,000 were persons covered by additional guarantees in terms of employment. The latter figure included 4,000 persons with disabilities; more than 3,000 participants in anti-terrorist operations and 2,000 internally displaced persons. The Committee refers to its 2019 observation on the application of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), in which it requests the Government to provide information concerning initiatives taken in collaboration with the social partners to facilitate skills training, as well as detailed information on the impact of such initiatives in ensuring training which corresponds to current and future labour market needs and assisting unemployed persons to enter and remain in the labour market. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the implementation and outcomes of the policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training, including with respect to improving cooperation with employers and adopting a demand-driven approach. It also requests the Government to provide a copy of the action plan to implement the Conceptual Framework for the State Vocational Guidance System for the period until 2023, once it is adopted and to provide updated information concerning the development and implementation of a system for validating informal vocational training. Furthermore, the Committee requests the Government to provide specific information on measures taken to promote the cooperation and engagement of employers’ and workers’ organizations and other interested bodies in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes. The Government is also requested to communicate extracts from reports, studies and inquiries and statistical data relating to the application in practice of the provisions of the Convention (Part VI of the report form).


Articles 1 and 5 of the Convention. Implementation of education and training policies and programmes. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in September 2013 which includes detailed information in reply to the 2009 observation. The Government indicates that the Action Plan for implementing the programme for the public occupational guidance system, adopted in 2010 and amended in 2012, consists of actions to prevent unemployment and create conditions for professional self-realization of young people, dismissed workers, older workers, persons with disabilities and other groups. Occupational guidance measures are included in all the territorial public employment programmes and regional occupational guidance programmes have also been adopted. In 2009, the State Employment Service provided occupational guidance services to over 3.5 million people, close to 4 million in 2010, and over 4 million in both 2011 and 2012. In 2009, over 1.13 million young people studying in various types of educational institutions were recipients of occupational guidance services, increasing to over 1.6 million in 2012. Moreover, in the period from 2009–12, the State Employment Service placed a total of close to 800,000 people in occupational training activities. The Committee notes from the figures provided that over 80 per cent of participants in occupational training activities obtained employment following training. The State Employment Service collaborates closely with employers’ organizations. Employers looking to hire workers take part in determining the content of the training and qualification attestation of the unemployed, and provide work places for on-the-job training and internships. The Government reports that over 40 per cent of unemployed people have undergone occupational training at enterprises, institutions and organizations. For young jobseekers who apply to the State Employment Service after finishing programmes in educational institutions, further training and internships are provided, which is particularly important for school-leavers and recent graduates lacking practical work experience. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training, including information on their implementation and outcomes. It also invites the Government to continue to provide information on the cooperation of employers’ and workers’ organizations and other interested bodies in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes. Please also include extracts from reports, studies and inquiries and statistical data relating to the matters covered by the Convention (Part VI of the report form).


Formulation and implementation of education and training policies. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in August 2008 referring to measures taken to establish a flexible system of professional guidance which is responsive to the changing requirements of the labour market. The Government indicates that an Interdepartmental Council on Professional and Technical Education under the Cabinet of Ministers was established, including representatives of the social partners and the educational establishments. It further reports that more than 1,000 State vocational and technical establishments existed in Ukraine which provided education to about half a million persons per annum. More than 900 higher educational institutions provided education to some 3 million persons of whom 1.5 million were full-time students. The Government also refers to round tables, business meetings, extended workshops, national and regional conferences and debates held with the social partners on vocational training and vocational guidance. The Committee refers to its 2009 observation on the application of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), in which it asks the Government to report on training programmes and initiatives taken to promote the return of unemployed persons to employment, as well as on measures taken to coordinate education and training policies and prospective employment opportunities. In this respect, the Committee refers to Article 1(1), of Convention No. 142 which requires that Members shall adopt and develop comprehensive and coordinated policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training, closely linked with employment, in particular through public employment services. The Committee invites the Government to communicate any extracts from reports, studies, inquiries or statistical data which will allow an examination of the results achieved by the policies, programmes and measures adopted to give effect to Convention No. 142.


1. The Committee notes the Government’s report and the new initiatives for the development of vocational guidance and training to which it refers. It invites the Government to continue to provide detailed information on the application of the Convention, particularly with regard to the following points.

2. Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee notes the description of the vocational guidance activities of the public employment service for persons making use of that service. Please also supply information on arrangements to provide vocational guidance for children and adolescents within the formal education system.

3. Article 4. The Committee notes that the Government reports an increasing trend in the volume of vocational training at enterprise level. Please indicate the measures taken or contemplated to encourage enterprises to contribute to the further training of workers that they employ. Please continue to provide detailed information on vocational training activities for unemployed persons undertaken by the public employment service, in forthcoming reports on the application of Convention No. 122.

4. Article 5. The Committee notes that the Government refers to consultations held only with employers’ organizations with regard to training issues. It recalls that, under this important provision of the Convention, policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training must be formulated and implemented in cooperation with both employers’ and workers’ organizations. The Committee asks the Government to provide detailed information on the manner in which effect is given to this provision, describing any consultation procedure which has been adopted for this purpose.


The Committee notes the detailed information contained in the Government's report for the period ending September 1998. It notes in particular that the Government has established a fairly extensive system of vocational training, retraining, and professional guidance and is working on extension and improvement of services.

The Government states that it has completed draft legislation on the organization of vocational training under the Employment Service of Ukraine. The Government also states that the vocational counselling system is currently being reorganized, and that long-term reform is being elaborated in the form of a presidential decree and draft legislation. The Committee asks the Government to indicate in its next report what legislative changes were enacted and to include details of their provisions. The Committee also notes that the Government has established an Interdepartmental Council for Coordination of Professional Guidance and Training of the Unemployed, and is considering creating analogous councils at the regional level. It would appreciate receiving further information on the effect of the Interdepartmental Council, and whether regional level councils have been established, as requested in the report form under Article 3 of the Convention.

Further to its previous comments pertaining to Article 5, the Committee notes that various committees and councils have been established at both the national and regional levels, composed of representatives of ministries, union and enterprise representatives, and public administrators. The Committee would appreciate receiving further details on the specific role of these committees and councils, and how the views of other interested bodies are taken into account.

Lastly, the Committee notes the cooperation projects undertaken with technical assistance from the ILO, including the project entitled "Introduction of flexible vocational training programmes for the unemployed". It would appreciate receiving further information on the outcome of these projects, and any follow-up action taken, as requested in Part V of the report form.


The Committee notes the information contained in the Government's report. It notes in particular the provisions of the Act of 1 March 1991 respecting the employment of the population, which concern vocational guidance and training. The Committee also notes that an important role is assigned in these areas to the public employment service, at a time of growing unemployment and far-reaching structural economic reform (see also in this connection the comments made under Convention No. 122, as follows:

1. The Committee notes the Government's report and the appended text of the Act of 1 March 1991 respecting the employment of the population. It notes the figures supplied by the Government but points out that they do not allow the Committee to assess the real labour market situation and the manner in which the adjustments are made. The Committee would be grateful if in its future reports the Government would provide statistical information which is as detailed as possible on the level and trends in employment, underemployment and unemployment, both for the country as a whole and by region, in the various sectors of economic activity and for the various categories of the population such as women, older workers and the disabled. Please provide information on the measures taken or contemplated to collect and analyse relevant statistical data.

2. With reference to its previous direct request, the Committee notes the adoption of the Act respecting the employment of the population. It notes with interest that the fundamental principles of the employment policy, which are set out in the above Act, include the objectives of equal opportunity and the free choice of employment, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 2(c), of the Convention. The Committee also notes that, under the terms of the Act, measures taken in the area of employment must be coordinated with the other objectives of economic and social policy. In this connection, it would be grateful if the Government would state in its next report the way in which the objective of full, productive and freely chosen employment is taken into consideration in determining the pace and nature of measures to be taken for the transition towards a market economy. Please indicate, in particular, how measures in the areas of prices, wages and incomes policies and investment and foreign trade policies are coordinated with employment policy.

3. The Committee notes that section 3 of the Act of 1 March 1991 provides for the cooperation of trade unions and employers' associations in the preparation, implementation and supervision of the enforcement of measures to ensure employment. However, it observes that while section 21 of the Act entitles trade unions to participate in the formulation of employment policy and the relevant legislation, no similar entitlement is expressly established for employers' organizations. Moreover, the participation of employers' organizations in the regular consultations on employment problems is not provided for in the Act. The Committee recalls in this connection that under Article 3 of the Convention representatives of the persons affected, and particularly representatives of employers and workers, must be consulted concerning employment policies "with a view to taking fully into account their experience and views and securing their full cooperation in formulating and enlisting support for such policies". It would be grateful if in its next report the Government would describe the practical procedures for the consultation of the representatives of all persons affected.

4. The Committee notes the provisions of the Act respecting employment which concern the organization and functions of the public employment service. It notes that in the first nine months of 1992 the employment service was able to find employment for approximately one-third of the persons who applied to it. Please continue to provide information which is as detailed as possible on the number and nature of the cases dealt with by the employment service. For guidance in this area, the Government might find it useful to refer to the relevant ILO standards (Convention No. 88 and Recommendation No. 83) which contain suggestions as to the measures that could be taken to ensure "the best possible organization of the employment market as an integral part of the national programme for the achievement and the maintenance of employment and the development and use of productive resources".

5. The Government indicates that its employment policy aims to strengthen and extend vocational guidance, training and retraining for redundant workers. More generally, the Committee notes that the information supplied by the Government in its report on the application of Convention No. 142 demonstrates that it assigns a central role to education and training in the economic restructuring process. Please continue to provide information on the manner in which human resources development policies and programmes are coordinated with prospective employment opportunities.

6. The Committee notes that the employment programme provides for a set of specific measures to promote self-employment, small enterprises and cooperative enterprises, and to promote the vocational reintegration of former members of the armed forces, redundant miners and workers affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Please provide detailed information on each of these measures and the results obtained in terms of jobs created and the vocational integration of the persons concerned.).

It asks the Government to provide in its next report additional information on the following points:

1. The Government indicates that the socio-economic changes currently taking place in the country call for the development of vocational guidance activities. It states that regional vocational guidance centres have been set up for that purpose, in close cooperation with the employment services. Please provide detailed information on the number of centres established, the different categories of staff responsible for guidance and the number and nature of consultations on guidance that have been conducted. Please describe the type of information available for vocational guidance purposes and state the procedures established to ensure that information on training, occupations and the employment market are kept up to date (Article 3 of the Convention);

2. The Committee notes the Government's indication that the employment services are organizing vocational training and retraining for workers who have been made redundant. It also notes the information as regards continuing training for workers who are in employment, training in agricultural technology and the promotion of vocational training for women. Please continue to indicate the measures taken to extend the vocational training systems and adapt them to the needs of the various categories of the population and the different branches of economic activity, indicating the results obtained (Article 4);

3. Please indicate how the cooperation of employers' and workers' organizations is ensured in the formulation of policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training, in accordance with Article 5;

4. Please provide all available extracts of reports, studies, surveys or statistical data on developments in the area of human resources development (Part VI of the report form);

5. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide the texts of the laws and regulations referred to in its report.

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