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Article 1(1) and (2) of the Convention. Formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and training policies and programmes. The Government reports that the national policy on vocational guidance and training is implemented by educational institutions as well as by the labour, employment and social protection authorities. With respect to vocational education in general secondary educational institutions, the Government indicates that, between 2015 and 2017, under the “Quality of Education” programme, revised course syllabi and teaching and assessment materials using a competency-based approach were produced for all general secondary subjects. In addition, the topic of “vocational studies” was introduced into general secondary schools and special educational institutions in the 2018–19 academic year. The Government indicates that vocational guidance in various forms reaches 100 per cent of students in their final year of general secondary education. In this regard, the Committee notes that, between January and June 2018, vocational guidance initiatives reached 30,000 students in general secondary education. The Government indicates that active vocational guidance work is also carried out by basic vocational, intermediate vocational and higher educational institutions which, through their resource centres, provide pre-vocational and vocational training, with a view to attracting young people to become entrepreneurs and innovators. The Government indicates that it responds to structural changes in labour market demand by commissioning education and training for workers and specialist staff. The Government also points out that, as a result, graduates are guaranteed their first job by the State and almost all graduates who have received state-funded full-time vocational education find employment that matches their training. The Government ensures that unemployed people are able to receive vocational guidance, vocational training, retraining and skills development training for free, upon referral by the labour, employment and social protection authorities. The Committee notes that, between January and June 2018, the labour, employment and social protection authorities provided vocational guidance services to 31,300 people on request. The Committee takes note of the work carried out to improve employment law with a view to increasing the quality of human resources. In this context, it notes the adoption of the Conceptual Framework for Youth Vocational Guidance in 2015, which establishes areas of vocational guidance work and clarifies the role of various government bodies, institutions and organizations in implementing a single national vocational guidance policy. It also notes the 2016 amendment to the Employment Act, which expands the list of groups of people for whom employers’ training costs are reimbursed. The Committee takes note of the measures aiming to provide the unemployed and other groups with vocational guidance and training included in the “Employment Promotion” subprogramme of the National Social Protection and Employment Programme 2016–2020. The Government indicates that vocational training for the unemployed is provided in over 120 occupations. More than 10 per cent of unemployed people who undergo vocational training become qualified in two or more occupations, thereby enhancing their employability. The Committee notes that, in 2017, 10,300 unemployed persons were sent for vocational training to improve their employability, out of which 3,000 were referred for training at their employer’s request. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide updated detailed information on the vocational guidance and training policies and programmes adopted and implemented and on their contribution to attaining the objectives of the Convention, including measures taken to coordinate vocational education and training policies with education, training and employment policies.
Articles 1(5) and 3. Specific categories of persons. In response to the Committee’s previous request, the Government indicates that it is focusing on providing vocational training for young unemployed persons who lack work experience and vocational training, and who are classified as belonging to a vulnerable social group pursuant to national legislation. In 2017, young persons accounted for 30.8 per cent of registered unemployed persons, 4,000 young persons between the ages of 16 and 30 were referred to vocational training, representing 39.6 per cent of all those referred. The Committee notes that additional employment-related guarantees for young persons are provided by law and that jobs are reserved by employers for unemployed young people every year at the behest of the local authorities. The Government indicates that the Employment Act and the Act on the Prevention of Disability and the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities establish a system of additional guarantees to promote the employment of persons with disabilities, who are given priority in terms of accessing vocational education. In this respect, the Committee notes that 2,300 persons with disabilities received job-search assistance from the State Employment Service in 2017 and 1,395 were referred to vocational training between 2013 and 2017. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed up-to-date information on the vocational guidance and training measures targeting specific categories of persons with the aim of increasing their participation in education and employment. The Committee further requests the Government to provide up-to-date information, including statistics disaggregated by sex and age, on the results of such measures, including the number of beneficiaries and the impact of the measures in promoting access to opportunities for lasting employment.
Article 5. Cooperation with the social partners. The Government indicates that, in January 2015, the tripartite National Council for Labour and Social Issues (the National Council) considered improving options for vocational education and training. The National Council recommended strengthening oversight over public and private organizations to better anticipate their staffing needs and adjust their training to optimize their human resources. The Government adds that, during the meeting of the National Council on 16 December 2015, the tripartite constituents signed the General Agreement for 2016–18, through which, inter alia, they undertook to continue to provide vocational guidance for the unemployed with a view to providing them with practical assistance to help them choose an occupation, change jobs or enhance their skills. The Committee requests the Government to provide updated information on the specific measures taken to promote the cooperation and engagement of employers’ and workers’ organizations and other interested bodies in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and training policies and programmes.


Article 1(1) and (2) of the Convention. Formulation and implementation of education and training policies and programmes. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in November 2013 in reply to its 2009 direct request. The Government indicates that the Ministry of Education has developed guiding principles for career guidance work with students which include practical recommendations on career guidance in general secondary, specialized vocational, intermediate-level vocational and higher education institutions for the 2012–13 academic year. The Ministry of Education, together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, conducts regular seminars on a national scale addressing issues related to career guidance. Each year, the authorities prepare a list of jobs and specializations for which professional training is available for the unemployed, in line with the labour market situation in each region and staffing needs. The Committee notes that there are currently 77 vocational and professional training facilities in operation, in which professional training has been arranged for 24,216 students from the 10th and 11th grades, amounting to more than 20 per cent of all students in that age group. Vocational education institutions have the facilities to offer their students general secondary education as well as vocational education. It further notes that cooperation agreements are signed between education institutions and recruiting organizations which enable the vocational training system to react to structural changes in staffing needs. The Government indicates that 90 per cent of young workers in the vocational education system are being trained under a cooperation agreement. The Committee further notes from the report that, in 2012, 15,400 unemployed persons obtained training, out of which 3,400 lived in rural areas. The Government indicates that 73.9 per cent of those who have received training have found full-time employment. Vocational education institutions are paying particular attention to training the young unemployed. In 2012, young people in the 16–29 age group accounted for 12,900 participants of the total number of persons receiving training. The Committee invites the Government to continue to include information illustrating the way in which it ensures effective coordination between the implemented programmes of vocational guidance and training and employment. It also invites the Government to provide information on the impact of the training programmes available in promoting lasting employment to young persons and persons with disabilities.
Article 5. Cooperation with the social partners. The Government indicates that in December 2012 the National Council for Labour and Social Issues considered the question of providing training for specialists and professionals, taking into account labour market needs. As a result of its discussions, a decision was taken to adopt pre-emptive measures to provide professional training and retraining for workers, including those at risk of being laid off, in order to prepare them for future employment. The Committee invites the Government to include further information on the involvement of the social partners in formulating and implementing policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training.


The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2009 direct request, which read as follows:
Formulation and implementation of education and training policies. The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report received in September 2008 in reply to its previous request. The Government indicates that vocational guidance for young persons, the unemployed and other persons is provided in accordance with the Act of the Republic of Belarus of 15 June 2006 No. 125-Z on employment of the people of the Republic of Belarus and with other legislative instruments. Article 7 of the Act confirms the right of citizens to consultation, vocational guidance, vocational training, retraining and skills development and information from the organs of the state employment service. The Committee notes that, in addition to the state programme of development of vocational-technical training 2006–10, the programme of development of general secondary education 2007–16 and the state programme of development of specialist secondary education 2006–10 were also approved and are being implemented. The Government indicates that vocational guidance, in the framework of implementation of State policy on employment promotion, is one of the fundamental pillars of the work of the organs of the state employment service. Vocational guidance services are provided to almost all unemployed persons below 18 years. An important aspect of vocational guidance work is the provision of information and advice to workers faced with redundancy as a result of workforce reductions. Over 500 such measures are taken each year nationally, covering up to 5,000 persons, and for young students, some 180 mass vocational guidance actions were taken involving over 50,000 persons. The Committee invites the Government to specify in its next report how the vocational guidance programmes implemented for workers affected by layoffs have contributed to assisting them to find new employment. The Committee also asks the Government to include information illustrating the way in which it ensures effective coordination between the implemented programmes of vocational guidance and training and employment (Article 1(1) of the Convention). Please also provide updated information on how open, flexible and complementary systems of general, technical and vocational education, educational and vocational guidance and vocational training have been developed (Article 2).
Vocational training and lifelong learning. The Government indicates that under the Employment Act, the State guarantees citizens registered as unemployed with labour employment and social security agencies, free vocational guidance, psychological support, vocational training, retraining and skills development taking into account public needs and their preferences, inclinations, experience and characteristics of their mental and physical development. In order to increase the work activity and competitiveness of unemployed persons and increase their opportunities for placement, organs of the state employment service in 2007 referred 23,800 unemployed persons to vocational training, of whom 20,200 were in productive jobs. In order to promote employment among young persons in 2007, 16,700 unemployed persons aged 16–29 were sent to training, of whom 2,700 were under 18 years of age. In order to satisfy more fully the needs of organizations in the agro-industrial sector for skilled workers in 2007, 5,400 unemployed persons living in rural areas were sent to vocational training. The Government also reports that vocational and technical training for person with special psychological or physical needs, including persons with disabilities, almost doubled to 2,099, and four vocational and social rehabilitation centres were established. With regard to the needs of organizations for skilled workers, the range of training services was further extended to include vocational training, retraining, and skills development in work (vocational) education, school education and training. The Committee invites the Government to provide information concerning the impact of vocational training on employment, in particular for young persons and persons with disabilities, both in the cities and rural areas of the country.
Cooperation with social partners. The Committee notes that the functions of the National Council on Social and Labour Issues include a wide range of issues concerning the development and application of agreed socio-economic policies. The meeting of the National Council in January 2008 considered the question of labour regulation as one of the factors of growth in labour productivity. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures adopted to ensure the collaboration of the social partners and other interested bodies in formulating and implementing vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes. The Committee asks the Government to supply additional information on the consultations held within the framework of the National Council on Social and Labour Issues at the national and local levels, regarding the questions covered by the Convention (Article 5).


Formulation and implementation of education and training policies. The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report received in September 2008 in reply to its previous request. The Government indicates that vocational guidance for young persons, the unemployed and other persons is provided in accordance with the Act of the Republic of Belarus of 15 June 2006 No. 125-Z on employment of the people of the Republic of Belarus and with other legislative instruments. Article 7 of the Act confirms the right of citizens to consultation, vocational guidance, vocational training, retraining and skills development and information from the organs of the State employment service. The Committee notes that, in addition to the State programme of development of vocational-technical training 2006–10, the programme of development of general secondary education 2007–16 and the State programme of development of specialist secondary education 2006–10 were also approved and are being implemented. The Government indicates that vocational guidance, in the framework of implementation of State policy on employment promotion, is one of the fundamental pillars of the work of the organs of the state employment service. Vocational guidance services are provided to almost all unemployed persons below 18 of years. An important aspect of vocational guidance work is the provision of information and advice to workers faced with redundancy as a result of workforce reductions. Over 500 such measures are taken each year nationally, covering up to 5,000 persons, and for young students, some 180 mass vocational guidance actions were taken involving over 50,000 persons. The Committee invites the Government to specify in its next report how the vocational guidance programmes implemented for workers affected by layoffs have contributed to assisting them to find new employment. The Committee also asks the Government to include information illustrating the way in which it ensures effective coordination between the implemented programmes of vocational guidance and training and employment (Article 1(1) of the Convention). Please also provide updated information on how open, flexible and complementary systems of general, technical and vocational education, educational and vocational guidance and vocational training have been developed (Article 2).

Vocational training and lifelong learning. The Government indicates that under the Employment Act, the State guarantees citizens registered as unemployed with labour employment and social security agencies, free vocational guidance, psychological support, vocational training, retraining and skills development taking into account public needs and their preferences, inclinations, experience and characteristics of their mental and physical development. In order to increase the work activity and competitiveness of unemployed persons and increase their opportunities for placement, organs of the state employment service in 2007 referred 23,800 unemployed persons to vocational training, of whom 20,200 were in productive jobs. In order to promote employment among young persons in 2007, 16,700 unemployed persons aged 16–29 were sent to training, of whom 2,700 were under 18 years of age. In order to satisfy more fully the needs of organizations in the agro-industrial sector for skilled workers in 2007, 5,400 unemployed persons living in rural areas were sent to vocational training. The Government also reports that vocational and technical training for person with special psychological or physical needs, including persons with disabilities, almost doubled to 2,099, and four vocational and social rehabilitation centres were established. With regard to the needs of organizations for skilled workers, the range of training services was further extended to include vocational training, retraining, and skills development in work (vocational) education, school education and training. The Committee invites the Government to provide information concerning the impact of vocational training on employment, in particular for young persons and persons with disabilities, both in the cities and rural areas of the country.

Cooperation with social partners. The Committee notes that the functions of the National Council on Social and Labour Issues include a wide range of issues concerning the development and application of agreed socio-economic policies. The meeting of the National Council in January 2008 considered the question of labour regulation as one of the factors of growth in labour productivity. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures adopted to ensure the collaboration of the social partners and other interested bodies in formulating and implementing vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes. The Committee asks the Government to supply additional information on the consultations held within the framework of the National Council on Social and Labour Issues at the national and local levels, regarding the questions covered by the Convention (Article 5).


The Committee notes the Government’s report and the information it contains in reply to its previous request. It asks the Government to provide more detailed information on the application of the Convention in practice, particularly with regard to the following points.

1. Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee notes the information on the steps taken to reinforce the systems of vocational guidance intended for young people. It also notes the measures taken by the public employment service to offer vocational guidance to the unemployed and to other sections of the public. Please continue to provide information on the measures taken to expand the system of vocational guidance.

2. Article 4. The Committee notes that the Government refers to the adoption in 2000 of the Plan for the development of vocational and technical training. Please provide information on the measures taken in the context of this plan to ensure that the training offered is geared to the prospects of the employment market in the various branches of economic activity.

3. Article 5. Please provide more detailed information on the manner in which the National Council on Social and Labour Issues enables the consultation of representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations with regard to policies and programmes of vocational guidance and training, by communicating examples of any opinions they have issued or any general agreements concluded by them in this regard.

4. Part VI of the report form. Please provide any extracts of reports, studies, inquiries or statistics relating to vocational training and guidance activities which enable evaluation of the application of the Convention in practice.


The Committee takes note of the Government's report and the attached documents, and of the information that had been supplied in reply to its previous request. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide detailed information on the following points:

1. The Committee notes that the system of general and vocational education is currently undergoing a process of reform aimed in particular at achieving better integration of initial and in-service training. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the manner in which this reform will ensure a better complementarity between general, technical and vocational education within the formal system of education and the systems of in-service vocational training, in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.

2. Article 3. Please continue to provide information on the measures taken in the context of the employment service to extend the systems of vocational guidance and continuing employment information for adults.

3. Article 4. The Committee notes the obstacles to collaboration between technical and vocational training establishments and enterprises. It requests the Government to indicate to what extent these difficulties have been overcome in the context of the current structural reforms. Please also continue to provide information on the vocational training and retraining activities for the unemployed in its future reports on the application of Convention No. 122.

4. Article 5. The Committee notes that, in the opinion of the Government, the participation by representatives of private sector employers' organizations in drawing up vocational training programmes is insufficient. It requests the Government to indicate any progress made in achieving more effective collaboration with the employers' organizations in drawing up vocational guidance and training policies and programmes. Please also describe the role of the conciliation commissions for social and labour issues.

5. Part VI of the report form. Please continue to supply any extracts from reports, studies, surveys or statistics that have a bearing on vocational guidance and training.


The Committee notes with interest the Government's detailed report and the information contained in its report on the application of Convention No. 122 for the period ending June 1992. It notes in particular the provisions of the Act of 30 May 1991 respecting the employment of the population, which concern vocational guidance and training. The Committee also notes the important role assigned to the employment services in these areas, at a time when unemployment is rising and the economy is being entirely restructured. It also notes with interest that efforts are being deployed in the area of the rehabilitation of the disabled, despite the limited financial resources available. The Government also refers to its programme to develop the vocational training system and adapt it to market economy conditions. The Committee would be grateful if in its next report the Government would supply detailed information on the implementation of this programme and on progress made in achieving the objectives set. Please also provide additional information on the following points:

1. The Committee notes the Government's projects for the development of new instruments and methods of vocational guidance. Please indicate the results obtained in this respect, describe the type of information available for the purposes of vocational guidance and specify the procedures to ensure that information on training, occupations and the employment market are kept up to date (Article 3 of the Convention);

2. Please indicate how cooperation with employers' and workers' organizations and, as appropriate, other bodies concerned is ensured in the formulation and application of policies and programmes of vocational guidance and training, in accordance with Article 5;

3. Please provide extracts of reports, studies, surveys or statistics concerning developments in the area of human resources development (Part VI of the report form).


The Committee notes that, according to the information contained in the Government's latest report, a new education law was adopted on 30 May 1987, to take account of the adjustments required by the general education and vocational training reforms. It would be grateful if the Government would continue to supply information on the new developments in vocational guidance and vocational training, with particular reference to the manner in which the factors set out in paragraphs 2 to 4 of Article 1 of the Convention are taken into account, and the measures taken pursuant to Article 4 to facilitate the adaptation of the human resources development systems to the changing needs of individuals and the economy.

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