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Dock Work Convention, 1973 (No. 137) - Uruguay (RATIFICATION: 1980)

Other comments on C137

  1. 2002

DISPLAYINEnglish - French - SpanishAlle anzeigen

The Committee notes the relevant information sent by the Government for the period ending in May 2012. The Government reports on the inspection activities carried out in the ports of Montevideo and Nueva Palmira and states that the Single Union of Port and Allied Workers (SUPRA), the Shipping Centre (CENNAVE), an employers’ association, and the National Ports Authority have agreed to adopt rules to govern dock work. The Committee notes with interest that both the Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention, 1979 (No. 152), and the code of practice are being used as a basis for a manual on occupational safety and health in ports (Article 6 of the Convention). The Government also states that there are no rules governing the training of dockworkers. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report up-to-date information allowing it to ascertain progress made towards the adoption of new rules to govern working conditions in ports and a national policy to provide permanent or regular employment for dockworkers (Article 2). Please also indicate how it is ensured that dockworkers have received appropriate vocational training (Article 6). The Committee hopes that tripartite dialogue will continue to encourage all concerned, in both the public and the private sectors, to improve efficiency in dock work.
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