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Act CLXXV of 2011 on the Freedom of Association, Non-profit Status and the Operation and Support of Civil Organizations (Civil Act)

Main Region

First Region

Freedom of association, collective bargaining and industrial relations
Law, Act

Second Region

2011. évi CLXXV törvény az egyesülési jogról, a közhasznú jogállásról, valamint a civil szervezetek muködésérol és támogatásáról
The Act regulates Hungarian public benefit organizations, NGOs, civil organizations and non-profit organizations. Civil organizations are obligated, inter alia, to publish an annual public benefit report, including activity and financial report, report on any budgetary support, report on any grants given, value or amount of compensation provided to leading officials, and report on assets management.
Summary of the CLXXV/2011 Act:
1. Scope of the Law
2. Explanatory provisions
Chapter I. Organization established by conventional rules
Chapter II. Civil organizations' insolvency, liquidation and voluntary liquidation
Chapter III. Rightful audit of Civil organization
Chapter IV. Registration of Civil organization
Chapter V. Management of Civil organization
Chapter VI. Accounting rules pertaining to the Civil organizations
Chapter VII. Legal status of public utility body
Chapter VIII. Centers of Civil information
Chapter IX. Detailed rules of state aid available for civil organizations
Chapter X. National cooperation fund
Chapter XI. Final provisions

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Gradual Entry dates region

    Date of gradual entry into force
    some provisions of Articles 3 to 12

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Magyar Közlöny
    vol. 151
    Page range
    pp. 37590-37636