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Order (No. 14 of 2011) on the right of municipalities to reimbursement of costs related to cash and start allowance, rehabilitation benefit, sickness benefit, unemployment and special benefits to persons participating in programmes under the Consolidated Active Social Policy Act (No. 946 of 2009) or to recipients of sickness benefit gradually returning to work.

Main Region

First Region

Social security (general standards)
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Bekendtgørelse (Nr 14 af 2011) om kommunernes ret til refusion af udgifterne til kontant- og starthjælp, revalideringsydelse, sygedagpenge, ledighedsydelse og særlig ydelse til personer, der deltager i tilbud efter lov (Nr 946 af 2009) om en aktiv beskæftigelsesindsats, eller til sygedagpengemodtagere, der gradvist vender tilbage i arbejde.
Contains 13 articles concerning cash and start allowance, rehabilitation benefit, sickness benefit, unemployment and special benefit, entry into force and transitional provisions.

Repeals the Order (No. 449 of 2010) on the right of municipalities to reimbursement of costs related to cash and start allowance, rehabilitation benefit, sickness benefit, unemployment and special benefits to persons participating in programmes under Chapter 10-12 of the Consolidated Active Social Policy Act (No. 946 of 2009) or to recipients of sickness benefit gradually returning to work.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Basic Text region

Electronic region