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Act No. 355/2007 of 21 June 2007 on protection, encouragement and development of public heath.

Main Region

First Region

Occupational safety and health
Law, Act

Second Region

Zakon o ochrane, podpore a rozvoji verejneho zdravia a o zmene a doplneni niektorych zakonov
Section 12(4) regulates measures to prevent labour related sicknesses and their limitation.
Third Heading of Fifth Part (Sections 30 - 42) regulates occupational health protection:
- Section 30: Obligations in occupational health protection;
- Section 31: Evaluation of health risks and categorization of works;
- Section 32: Protection of employees from noise during work;
- Section 33: Protection of employees from vibration during work;
- Section 34: Protection of employees from electromagnetic emissions during work;
- Section 35: Protection of health from optical emissions during work;
- Section 36: Lighting during work;
- Section 37: Protection of health against stress due to heat and cold during work;
- Section 38: Protection of health against physical stress, mental stress and sensory stress during work;
- Section 39: Protection of employees during work with chemical factors;
- Section 40: Protection of employees during work with carcinogens and mutagens;
- Section 41: Protection of employees during work with asbestos;
- Section 42: Protection of employees during work with biological factors;
Section 52 regulates inter alia the obligations of employers in health protection.
Section 61 (q) to (s) gives to the Ministry of health regulatory powers in different domains of occupational health.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Gradual Entry dates region

    Date of gradual entry into force
    Provisions in Division I, Section 5(4)(f) and Section 6(3)(c)

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Zbierka zakonov
    Ciastka 154
    Page range
    pp. 2402-2475