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Law of 6 May 1993 on Occupational Safety and Health.

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Occupational safety and health
Law, Act

Second Region

Provides, inter alia, for State policy in the field of occupational safety, guarantees in the implementation of workers' rights for occupational safety, and State control and sanctions in the event of infringement. Put into force by Decree of the Supreme Soviet of 6 May 1993.

Under the Law, the following are the main principles of the state OSH policy:
- priority of the life and health of the worker over the results of the enterprise activities;
- coordination of OSH activities with other areas of economic and social policy;
- establishment of uniform OSH requirements for all the enterprises irrespec tive of their form of ownership and management;
- ensuring environmentally safe labour conditions and systematic control of the environment in the workplace;
- supervision and monitoring of universal compliance with OSH requirements at enterprises;
- state participation in funding OSH;
- training of OSH specialists at higher and secondary specialized education institutions;
- providing incentives for the development and introduction of safe technol ogy and means of protecting workers;
- wide scale use of the achievements of science, technology and the best domestic and foreign practices in the field of OSH;
- free provision of workers with special work clothes and footgear, individual protection means and medical preventative nutrition;
- the conduct of a tax policy that stimulates occupational safety and health at enterprises;
- mandatory investigation and registration of each occupational accident and occupational disease case and on that basis keeping the public informed about the levels of occupational accidents and diseases;
- social protection of the interests of the workers who have become victims of occupational accidents or diseases;
- all round support for the activities of trade unions and other non governmen tal associations, enterprises and individuals in the field of OSH; and
- international cooperation in dealing with OSH problems.

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