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Cotton Development Act (Cap. 30).

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Agriculture workers
Law, Act

Second Region

This Act provides for the establishment of the Cotton Development Organization, defines its powers and functions and provides for its internal organization and regulates certain aspects of the production, processing and marketing of seed cotton, lint cotton and cottonseed.
Part I contains interpretations. Part II concerns the Cotton Development Organization established as a body corporate under section 3. The Organization shall promote and monitor production and marketing of cotton and represent all aspects of the cotton industry (sect. 4). Functions of the corporation are set out in section 5. Part III concerns the Board of Directions of the Organization. Part IV regulates certain aspects of cotton production and in particular provides for measures against spreading of infectious pests and diseases. The Minister may establish isolated or segregated areas for cotton production and establish a specific legal regime for such areas pursuant to section 8. The Organization shall distribute yearly certified cottonseed to growers (sect. 10). Section 12 concerns the destruction of pestiferous cottonseed. Part V contains rules relative to the marketing and processing of cotton. Cotton traders and processors shall register with the Organization (sect. 16). Section 19 concerns cotton-marketing seasons. Other provisions concern staff of the Organization, financial arrangements and matters of miscellaneous character. (31 sections divided into 8 Parts and completed by 1 Schedule)

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