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Unemployment Insurance Ordinance (1997:835).

Main Region

First Region

Unemployment benefit
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Förordning (1997:835) om arbetslöshetsförsäkring
The consolidation of the Ordinance includes a total of 43 amending texts through June 2015 (up to Ordinance 2015:497). The consolidated text includes various amendments.

Contains 18 sections and 31 articles concerning, inter alia:

Section 1: General provisions.
Section 2: Daily allowance amounts.
Section 3: Conversion of normal working time and profit.
Section 4: Coordination with occupational pensions.
Section 5: Entrepreneurs unemployment.
Section 6: Compensation to persons who combined employment with entrepreneurship.
Section 7: Entrepreneurs who are fishermen.
Section 8: Compensation for part-time work.
Section 9: Compensation for short-time work.
Section 10: Remuneration during training.
Section 11: Remuneration during break in training.
Section 12: Compensation for layoff.
Section 13: Remuneration during leave.
Section 14: Valid reason to leave work.
Section 15: Obligation.
Section 16: Suitable work.
Section 17: Severance pay or financial compensation equivalent to salary.
Section 18: Other provisions.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Basic Text region

Amending Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Svensk författningssamling
    No. 835