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Decision No. 1 on the collection of occupational health and safety data.

Main Region

First Region

Occupational safety and health
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

This Decision was issued by the Central Council of Bulgarian Trade Unions, the Ministry of Public Health and the Committee on Labour and Social Security, in application of the Labour Code. Within the terms of s. 1(1), the "essential factors" to take into account in evaluating the occupational safety and health situation are the safety of production equipment, the microclimate, the purity of the air, noise, vibrations, lighting, radiation, environmental conditions from a physiological and an ergonomic viewpoint, and sanitary and social services at the workplace. The data are to be collected for a "working conditions certificate" issued to the enterprise to use in evaluating the health and safety situation of the working environment. In effect 1 Jan. 1987.

Serial region

    Serial title
    D''rjaven vestnik
    no 32
    Page range
    pp. 5-6