
Country details


1946 Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the United Nations - (does not cover ILO) (view in English) (view in French) (view in Spanish)
15 October 1948

1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies - (covers ILO whether in country or not) (view in English) (view in French) (view in Spanish)
21 September 1951

Annex 1 (ILO) to the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (view in English) (view in French) (view in Spanish)
21 September 1951

Host Country Agreement (HCA) - (covers established ILO office operations in country)
10 January 2002
  1. Agreement (English)
  2. Agreement (French)
  3. Agreement (Spanish)

Standard Technical Assistance/Cooperation Agreements (STAA) - (covers only ILO technical assistance)
15 January 1957
  1. Agreement (English)
  2. Agreement (French)
  3. Agreement (Spanish)

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