Improved access to employment opportunities for Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees in Lebanon

The project will contribute to upgrading the agricultural technical education system in Lebanon, to improve access to employment opportunities and livelihoods in rural areas.

The ILO will work with the Ministry of Agriculture to create better linkages to the private sector regarding its technical and vocational education and training (Baccalaureat Technique and short-term course) and to strengthen the capacity of teachers.

Expected outputs:

Establish a mechanism between the Private Sector and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) to ensure MoA’s Baccalaureate Technique meets the skills requirements of the private sector, through:
  • A qualitative assessment of labour market skills needs through focus group discussions with private sector to identify the trends of supply and demand in terms of skills needed by the private sector in various value chains.
  • Supporting the revision of at least four course modules through DACUM approach selected closely with MoA and FAO.
  • Facilitating draft agreement between MoA and the private sector in collaboration with the Federation of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture to promote international good practices related to on-the-job training to its members.
  • Reviewing existing agreement templates regarding on-the-job-training opportunities on testing and certification methodologies with employers and train teachers to monitor these activities.
  • Introducing adapted tracer studies mechanisms to evaluate systematically the employment impact of the programmes, its gender implications, and gather employers and graduates feedback on the relevance and quality of the training.
Review of informal on-the-job training practices in the private sector, in order to define the apprenticeship standards to be adopted jointly by the MoA and the private sector, through:
  • Identification of potential types of apprenticeship systems suitable for MoA’s BT course through a consultation process with key stakeholders in order to define the most relevant form apprenticeship to be adopted jointly by the MoA BT course and the private sector.
Capacity building of the Ministry of Agriculture’s teachers and related management departments with regards to decent work issues pertaining to agriculture, through:
  • Training of Trainers’ (TOT) course related to Decent Work in agriculture, in particular on competency based training, gender mainstreaming and child labour.