Resources on Domestic Workers in Arab States

  1. ILO Regional Office for the Arab States Newsletter

    06 August 2013

    June 2013

  2. Migrant recruiters adopt Code of Conduct in Lebanon

    07 June 2013

    Recruitment agencies syndicate adopts Code of Conduct to respect migrant workers’ rights.

  3. Diplomatic missions meet to better protect migrant domestic workers

    17 May 2013

    Labour attaches and representatives of diplomatic missions are meeting to discuss ways of promoting consultative dialogue and eliminating recurrent problems facing migrant workers.

  4. Protecting the Rights of Migrant Women Domestic Workers in Lebanon

    16 May 2013

    The project enhances economic integration for women migrants and improved labour migration governance and social dialogue as a means to contribute to poverty alleviation through decent work for migrant workers.

  5. Diplomatic missions seek to better protect migrant domestic workers' rights

    A meeting to discuss challenges and opportunities facing migrant domestic workers at the level of recruitment process, and understanding the role of the embassies and labour offices in assisting the workers in grievance procedures.

  6. Strategic Objectives for Decent Work Agenda

    01 February 2013

    The ILO Regional Office for Arab states works to foster social justice with decent work opportunities through sustainable enterprises, higher productivity and growth with equity.

  7. Information Guide for Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon

    21 December 2012

    The guide serves to improve the wellbeing of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon. It provides useful and important information before departure and after the workers arrive in Lebanon.

  8. Social justice for a new Arab era: promoting jobs, protection and dialogue in a changing region

    05 November 2012

    Arab states must move towards an inclusive development model of higher productivity and, together with their citizens, forge a new social contract.

  9. Fact Sheet No. I: Action Programme for Protecting the Rights of Women Migrant Domestic Workers (PROWD) in Lebanon 2011-2014

    22 October 2012