Training Seminar on International Labour Standards

This training will focus on strengthening the capacity of the Mongolian constituents on ILS reporting.

Training seminar on ILS, 8 May 2019
Mongolia has ratified 20 conventions of the ILO including all eight fundamental conventions. In 2015, Mongolia was behind on reporting of ILO conventions, and with the support of the ILO in improving capacity of staff who write the reports and involvement of social partners in the process the reporting schedule has become up to date, yet there are areas of improvement in terms of quality. It will provide hand-on support in examining the comments of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) and analyzing the gaps between the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention (1930) and Mongolian laws and practices.

Participants will have a better understanding about ILO’s supervisory mechanism of application of ILO conventions and recommendations, CEACR’s direct requests on Mongolia’s application of C88, C100, C111, C122, C159 and C181, and the gaps between the requirements of P29 and national laws and practices, and the 2019 general survey. The workshop is expected to contribute to Mongolia’s timely submission of high quality reports to the CEACR. 

Training seminar on ILS, 8 May 2019
About 30 participants including the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry, the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, the General Agency for Specialized Inspection, the Authority for Development of People with Disabilities, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Committee on Gender Equality, the Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions, the Mongolian Employers’ Federation and Mongolian Bar Association will attend the training seminar.