Programmes and projects

The ILO operates a wide range of programmes and projects in Asia Pacific focusing on relief and development challenges. The overall purpose of this technical cooperation is to support implementation of the Decent Work agenda in each country.

  1. Supporting the Improvement of the Legal and Institutional Framework on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar

    1 July 2015 - 31 December 2017

    This project aims to contribute to better, safer and healthier working conditions in Myanmar.

  2. Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Social Protection Floors for Workers and their Families in ASEAN

    1 July 2015 - 31 December 2017

    This project aims to build a better social protection system for ASEAN countries by securing income, increasing access to social services, and enhancing the employability of female and male workers, with a specific focus on two countries; Cambodia and Myanmar.

  3. Tenth Actuarial Valuation of the Social Security Fund in Response to Section 82 of the Social Security Act 1696

    15 June 2015 - 14 June 2017

  4. Emergency Employment Response to Nepal Earthquake-affected Areas: Provision of OSH Equipment for Debris and Landslide Clearance Workers

    22 May - 31 December 2015

    In partnership with the Government of Japan, the Project contributes to enhance the occupational safety and health of the workers enrolled in debris, landslides clearance and road maintenance activities by providing protective clothing and hand tools.

  5. Strengthening capacity of constituents to address unacceptable forms of work focusing child labour, bonded labour and informal economy workers

    1 May 2015 - 30 April 2016

  6. Labour Standards in Global Supply Chains: A Programme of Action for Asia and the Garment Sector in Indonesia

    1 May 2015 - 31 March 2019

    The development objective of the Labour Standards in Global Supply Chains (LSGSC) project was to improve the lives of workers and increase decent work opportunities in global supply chains (GSCs) in the garment sector, starting with the project’s beneficiary countries: Cambodia, Indonesia and Pakistan. The project’s programme of action included interventions at factory-level and country-level as well as global and Asia regional components.

  7. Assessment Study - ILO Seoul Training Center (ISTC)

    20 April - 30 August 2015

    The project aims to help develop a common understanding of the potential benefits, costs, and success/risk factors in establishing and operating the ILO Seoul Training Center (ISTU).

  8. EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project

    11 April 2015 - 31 December 2018

    The Project represents a third phase of EU-IOM-ILO partnership on migration management in China. It aims at maximizing the benefits of international migration and focuses on the four pillars of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility framework that are of common interest to both European and Chinese stakeholders.

  9. Workplaces and Industries for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth through Sharing Good Practices of GBA, OSH and IR Projects (InSIGHT Project)

    1 April 2015 - 31 March 2018

    The InSIGHT Project aims to promote mechanisms and practical approaches that enable industries and workplaces in the Asian region to become drivers of sustainable and inclusive growth.

  10. The Elimination of Child Labour and Promotion of Decent Work in the Stora Enso Value Chain, with a Focus on Pakistan

    1 April 2015 - 31 December 2017

    In order to strengthen its global policy and efforts to promote decent work and progressively eliminate child labour in its value chain in Pakistan, Stora Enso (SE) entered a public-private partnership agreement with the ILO.

  11. Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) Cambodia and Myanmar 2015-2017

    1 April 2015 - 31 December 2017

    This project is designed to integrate skills development into sectoral policies and develop effective skills strategies in selected export sectors in Cambodia and Myanmar.

  12. Supplementation to the Occupational Safety and Health project in Hazardous Work in Viet Nam

    1 April 2015 - 31 March 2016

    This supplementation project aims to build on the outcomes of the previous phase, promote effective consultation and provide the Government with improved recommendations on policies and regulations on occupational safety and health under the Law on Occupational Safety and Health.

  13. Vanuatu - Cyclone Pam - ILO response

    31 March - 30 June 2015

    ILO to coordinate and implement technical assistance as part of the national recovery and reconstruction phase in Vanuatu - Post Cyclone Pam

  14. Shan State, Myanmar – Peace, Reconciliation & Development through Community Empowerment

    15 March 2015 - 15 March 2019

    Ceasefire and peace process efforts as part of the reforms since 2011 have presented new opportunities to work with communities and conflict parties to make a measurable contribution to peace at the local level in areas of Myanmar affected by conflict.

  15. Community-Based Enterprise Development to Strengthen Grassroots Activities Targeting Vulnerable Workers and Business Owners

    1 March 2015 - 31 December 2016

    The project aimed to assist improve the capacity of ILO constituents to provide low cost, high impact training on business development to vulnerable workers in the informal economy. The project also aimed to support the tripartite intervention “Supporting Grass-Roots Activities (SGRA)” to strengthen social-dialogue and social protection for workers in the informal economy.

  16. Actuarial Studies for the Establishment of Social Security Schemes (ASSESS): ILO Technical Assistance to the Social Security Fund in Nepal

    1 March 2015 - 31 August 2016

    With funding from the Government of Japan, the project contributes to the constituents’ efforts for improved quality and financial viability of social security schemes to be designed and implemented by the Social Security Fund (SSF), Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE). The designing of five social security schemes related to unemployment benefits, maternity benefits, medical care, sickness benefits, and employment injury benefits are based on the actuarial analysis carried out for these schemes.

  17. UN Women-ILO project: ‘Preventing the exploitation of women migrant workers in ASEAN’

    1 March 2015 - 31 December 2016

    A UN Women and ILO collaboration to enhance the benefits of labour migration in the ASEAN region through improved protection of women migrant workers

  18. More and Better Jobs through Socially Responsible Labour Practices in Pakistan

    15 February 2015 - 31 December 2020

    In partnership with the Employers’ Federation of Pakistan and the Pakistan Sports Goods Manufacturers & Exporters Association (PSGMEA), the ILO Office for Pakistan is implementing the project that aims to foster a partnership approach between MNEs and their direct suppliers on advancing socially responsible labour practices.

  19. Road to Jobs (R2J) Afghanistan

    1 February 2015 - 31 December 2020

    An example of market system development implementation

  20. Increasing productivity and competitiveness through labour law compliance in Pakistan’s textile sector

    1 February 2015 - 30 June 2016

    In partnership with Pakistan Textiles Exporters Association (PTEA), the ILO is providing technical support in promoting Labour Law Compliance in Textile Sector in Faisalabad for better productivity and competitiveness. The 3 years long project will provide support to 280 factories and will focus on institutionalising a monitoring and reporting mechanism at the industry association level and providing enterprise level support in developing workplace improvement policies and programmes. The project will closely work with tripartite supervisory bodies at federal, provincial and district levels, international buyers/sourcing community and other stakeholders.