Resources on ILO/Japan Partnership Programme

  1. Asia-Pacific partners revitalize collaboration to tackle child labour and forced labour in the region

    26 March 2024

    Regional stakeholders emphasize rights-based strategies and collaborative efforts to tackle the pervasive issues, supported by international partnerships and innovative solutions.

  2. Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

    19 March 2024

    This research study provides an in-depth analysis of Thailand's automotive manufacturing supply chain and its status vis-à-vis decent work and responsible business conduct, particularly in the evolving context of global requirements for human rights due diligence. Moreover, the study covers the identification and assessment of key forces and trends impacting the sector, while scrutinizing existing and anticipated challenges within the industry concerning decent work and responsible conduct.

  3. Automotive Supply Chain Programme in Thailand

    07 February 2024

    Recent global disruptions, including COVID-19, economic downturns, and trade tensions, have highlighted the critical yet fragile nature of global supply chains. The Automotive Supply Chain Programme in Thailand supports these efforts by harnessing opportunities to improve human capital, decent work and responsible business in the country’s leading export sector.

  4. Skills study identifying steps to strengthen Thai automotive industry

    06 February 2024

    Study carried out by the ILO’s Automotive Supply Chain Programme in Thailand funded by the Government of Japan seeks to help the sector navigate the rapidly changing business landscape.

  5. ILO supports Thai auto sector to navigate evolving Human Rights Due Diligence environment

    31 October 2023

    Joint efforts seek to strengthen responsible business practices and global competitiveness of the automotive industry.

  6. Sub-Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming Occupational Safety and Health in the promotion of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

    The ILO/Japan Multi-bilateral Programme is organizing the Sub-Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming Occupational Safety and Health in the promotion of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The workshop will provide opportunities for workers’ and employers’ organizations to increase knowledge on OSH and FPRW, identify challenges and opportunities to protect and promote FPRW, and develop action plans on the promotion of FPRW by mainstreaming OSH.

  7. Final report: Rapid assessment of hazardous work for children in carpet weaving, painting metal and wooden products, and spraying, mixing or selling insecticides in Balkh Province

    17 July 2023

    This report describes the state of child labour in Balkh, Afghanistan.

  8. Child labour self-help guide for SMEs in Afghanistan

    17 July 2023

    This guide provides guidelines for parents and SME owners who employ children between the ages of 15 and 17.

  9. Assessment of occupational safety and health in SMEs in Balkh Province: Recommendations for good practices

    17 July 2023

    This report assesses the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) trained by the ILO in the province of Balkh in Afghanistan.

  10. The first step to a life changing story - "How can I find work in a hotel or factory?"

    23 June 2023

    Sengsadeth Phimmasone, one of the beneficiaries of “Reduced Vulnerability of Returnee Migrant Workers through Linkages to Employment Opportunities and Integration into Local Economic Development in Response to COVID-19” funded by the Japanese Government.