Social protection in disasters

Programme of the ILO ASEAN Seminar on the potential of social protection to build disasters’ resilience

Programme of the ILO ASEAN Seminar on the Potential of Social Protection to Build Resilience to Disasters with links to official statements and presentations

Meeting document | 22 November 2016

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Opening ceremony

Session 1 - The need and potential for linkages between social protection and disaster management in ASEAN

Open panel: Sharing experiences and discussing avenues and mechanisms for better integrated approach and coordination at ASEAN levels: Comments from Government, Workers and Employers’ representatives

Session 2 – Institutional setup for disaster responsive social protection

Open panel: Discussing mechanisms for improved coordination and more effective response at country level

Session 3 – Building disaster responsive social protection: scaling up existing schemes

Session 4 – Exploring the potential to develop disaster-responsive social protection at country level

Group discussions on existing social protection programmes in ASEAN and those with potential to build disasters resilience

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Session 4 (continued) - Exploring the potential to develop disaster-responsive social protection at country level

Discussing existing social protection programmes in ASEAN and those with potential to build disasters resilience

Plenary: Presenting countries’ discussions

Session 5 - Supporting workers and businesses affected by disasters: social security and employment policy

Session 6 – Integrated approach to social protection as a tool for building resilience to disasters

Session 7 - Towards recommendations to improve the potential of social protection to build disaster resilience in ASEAN

Group discussions
Presentation of the group discussions

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Session 8 – Consideration of the Seminar’s recommendations

Presented by the Drafting Committee
Discussion, finalization and adoption of the draft recommendations indicating key issues arising from plenary and group discussions.

Meeting of the tripartite advisory committee of the ILO/Japan Project on Promoting and building social protection in ASEAN