Skills development

Towards a Mutual Recognition of Skills in CLM (Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Myanmar) Countries for AEC 2015 and Beyond

The project aims to promote the mobility of skilled labour through the Mutually Recognized Skills Framework (MRS) to accelerate the economic integration of the CLM countries (Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic and Myanmar) for the AEC 2015 and beyond.

Project objective

With the acceleration of development of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the sub-regional bloc has seen a steady increase in the free movement of goods, services, investments and labour between the member states.

In order to facilitate labour mobility and ultimately benefit from it, ASEAN countries will need to manage all types of migration, including high-skilled, low and medium-skilled workers. One major challenge for all member states is how to ensure that a migrant’s skills in one country are recognized in another.

The Mutually Recognized Skills Framework (MRS) is expected to answer that question by smoothing out the negotiations between countries and facilitating the freer movement and employment of qualified and certified personnel.

The ILO has been providing technical assistance (in collaboration with the ADB) with the development of MRS, including the development of Regional Model Competency Standards (RMCS) and national skills standards and mutual recognition mechanisms on skills for the Greater Mekong Sub-regional (GMS) countries.

This project is a continuation of the ILO’s long-time commitment to establishing and implementing a well-functioned mutual skills’ recognition mechanism, especially in less developed economies such as the CLM countries. It is also in line with the timeframe of ASEAN’s Plan of Action 2013-2017 for skills recognition.

The project will focus on the expansion of the skills and occupations within the MRS framework, and continue to assist CLM countries in establishing mutually-recognized qualifications mechanisms in additional industrial sectors. The project aims to promote the mobility of skilled labour through the MRS to accelerate the economic integration of the CLM countries for the AEC 2015 and beyond.

Main activities

  • Assist CLM country to develop six to eight skills/competency standards, including respective testing and certification modules.
  • Support the development of competency-based curriculums and learning materials in accordance with skills/competency standards.
  • Support the development and validation of three RMCS through consultation with key stakeholders.
  • Develop a comprehensive communication plan to improve the awareness on the MRS among different stakeholders in the CLM countries.
  • Organize at least three national workshops (one for each country) and one regional conference to share experiences and common concerns on the MRS in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat.
  • Roll out and disseminate advocacy and documented good practices materials.
  • Collaborate with the ASEAN Secretariat in all the activities of the MRS.
  • Develop and pilot-test two to three industry participation schemes among the tripartite constituents in the CLM countries.
  • Organize at least one study visit for the CLM countries in ASEAN to observe existing good practices and gain hands-on experience related to demand-driven Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
  • Conduct at least two training programmes/fellowships for the tripartite partners to strengthen their capacities on TVET industry participation schemes.

Main outcomes

  • Skills/competency standards for the MRS in CLM countries are developed and implemented at national level, in line with developing their national skills and quality assurance frameworks.
  • Three RMCS are developed and/or validated and utilized by CLM for benchmarking with the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF).
  • A comprehensive communications plan is promoted and implemented to disseminate and utilize the skills standards for MRS, document and share good practices on MRS in ASEAN, and actively collaborate with the ASEAN Secretariat on the wider ASEAN involvement.
  • TVET industry participation schemes (two to three schemes) for employers and workers are identified and pilot-tested; for example sector skills councils, technical skills committees or apprenticeship schemes.
  • Good practices on employer-led MRS are documented and disseminated at regional level.

Target beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries are government policymakers including the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MOLVT), Cambodia; Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MOLSW), Lao People’s Democratic Republic; the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MOLES), Myanmar; vocational training institutions, trade unions and employers’ organizations in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar (CLM). The ultimate beneficiaries are skilled migrant workers, employers and training providers in the CLM countries.


Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MOLVT), Cambodia; Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MOLSW), Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MOLES), Myanmar