Towards Realization of Decent Work in Japan in fiscal 2008

Fourteenth Asian Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization (ILO), held in Busan, Republic of Korea in late August 2006, launched an “Asian Decent Work Decade.” In response to this international agreement, tripartite constituents in Japan are expected to actively work together towards realization of Decent Work.

Activity plan jointly prepared by Japanese government, employer and worker members of the ILO Governing Body, ILO Office in Japan, and ILO Association of Japan Inc.

1. The purpose of this document

Fourteenth Asian Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization (ILO), held in Busan, Republic of Korea in late August 2006, launched an “Asian Decent Work Decade.” In response to this international agreement, tripartite constituents in Japan are expected to actively work together towards realization of Decent Work. This document summarizes planned activities of ILO constituents and other organizations, based on the progress made in fiscal 2007, to realize Decent Work in Japan in fiscal 2008 (April 2008 - March 2009).

2. Basic policy of planned activities for fiscal 2008

a) In cooperation with the ILO Association of Japan Inc. and ILO Office in Japan, government, employers and workers organizations will work together to raise awareness on the concept of Decent Work and its closely related issues, such as work-life balance as current major challenge in the world of work in Japan. In conducting promotional activities, it is expected that five organizations will liaise and coordinate their activities, as far as possible, to achieve greater synergy in their efforts.

b) Current status of and major issues concerning Decent Work in Japan are to be explored through lively discussion among major actors in the world of work, particularly involving ILO constituents, and efforts are to be made to disseminate the information among the general public to grow nationwide discussion, by utilizing mass media, etc.

c) Based on the progress made as a result of activities concerning a) and b) above, government, employers and workers organizations will further discuss to agree on the Japan’s Decent Work National Plan of Action (DWNPA), at an earliest possible stage in the Asian Decent Work Decade (2006-2015).

3. Planned activities of related organizations in fiscal 2008

1) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

  • Conduct activities relating Decent Work with work-life balance, which is a current major challenge in Japan, through the network of Ministry Central Office and Regional Labour Bureaus, and continue to disseminate the concept in collaboration with ILO Office in Japan, employers and workers organizations, and the ILO Association of Japan.
  • Make consultations with participating countries at G8 Labour Ministers’ Conference to address global agendas including Decent Work.

2) RENGO (Japanese Trade Union Confederation)

  • Set 7 October as “Decent Work Action Day”, and launch various campaigns on Decent Work on and around the day. Specifically, symposium, meetings and street rally will be organized, and mass media is approached for their coverage of these activities.
  • Raise awareness of Decent Work through RENGO’s website as well as distribution of reference materials at various meetings and events.
  • Endeavour to realize Decent Work through year-round activities including Spring Struggle for a Better Life, and RENGO’s request on policies and institutions.

3) Keidanren (Japanese Business Federation)

  • Strengthen efforts to disseminate concept of Decent Work
  • Promote understanding of the concept of Decent Work through their public information activities and meetings including that of the board of directors and labour-related committees constituted of member companies.

4) ILO Association of Japan, Inc.

  • Organize promotional and awareness-raising forum on Decent Work at local levels in collaboration with tripartite constituents. (Regions and specific dates are not yet decided; two localities in the latter half of fiscal year 2008?)
  • Provide information concerning Decent Work through Association’s periodical “Sekai no Rodo” (World Labour).

5) ILO Office in Japan

In line with the Concept Note for Decent Work Country Programme in Japan (2007- 09),   developed by ILO Office in Japan, the Office plans to carry out activities in the prioritized areas as follows; 


Priority 1: Promotion of Ratification of ILO Conventions

Promotion of ILC Agenda and Global Report / Translation of ILO instruments such as declarations and frameworks / Provision of information concerning ILO Conventions and Recommendations in Japanese language through ILO-Tokyo’s website, etc.

Priority 2: Assistance in Realizing Decent Work corresponding to Changing Patterns of Work

International symposium and public forum are organized to provide information on current and prioritized topics in Japan, including “Changing Patterns of Work and Future Labour Policies”, non-regular workers, work-life balance, CSR, gender equality in the world of work, etc.

Priority 3: Assistance in Promoting Social Dialogue

Promotion of social dialogue especially among Japanese social partners through occasions such Decent Work promotional forumat local cities / Strengthen partnership with Parliamentarian’s League on Promotion of ILO Activities, ILO Association of Japan Inc., etc.

Priority 4: Strengthening and Diversification of Resource Mobilization

Promotion of understanding on ILO’s activities towards Africa among the general public in Japan through its participation in TICAD IV / Organizing seminars to promote ILO’s technical cooperation activities / Establishing and strengthening partnership with donor community and agencies

Priority 5: Strengthening Knowledge-based Reporting on Japan’s Labour and Social Trends and Networking of Experts

Promotion of joint activities on labour related issues with universities and research institutes in Japan / Reporting on Japan’s labour and social trends to HQs and ROs / Contribution to the ILO network for participatory knowledge management in Asia and the Pacific

In implementing above mentioned activities, the Office takes note of the points listed below:

  • Actively distribute posters, pin-badges and various leaflets on Decent Work Agenda in Japanese produced by the Office in 2007 (ILO at a glance; What is Decent Work; Fact-sheets on labour migration, youth employment, promotion of gender equality in the world of work, child labour, etc.)
  • Strengthen working relations with mass media, focusing on Decent Work, and develop resource materials targeting mass media to promote articles and interviews
  • Provide information on Decent Work, through partnerships with relevant organizations, at the occasions of major international conferences and events in Japan includingG8 Labour Ministers’ Conference, TICAD IV, G8 Junior Labour Summit, World Day against Child Labour, World Day for Occupational Safety and Health, World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, Annual Industrial Safety and Health Conference, International Women’s Day, UN Day, and Tokyo Peace builders symposium, etc.