Good Practices: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains

ACCEL Africa documented 14 good practices in the fight against child labour, which emerged from the ACCEL Africa project implementation in 6 countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda.

Hayat Osseiran, International Consultant, with the technical supervision of Angelica Munoz ILO M&E and Knowledge Sharing Officer, prepared the good practices collection. The ACCEL national teams and partners developed and shared technical information, inputs and visual materials.

Article | Abidjan | 31 January 2023

Cote d’Ivoire

This good practice shows that improvements in OSH in cocoa supply chains through can lead to the better health conditions, better attendance and productivity at work, and lower incidence of child labour. This good practice highlights how innovative solutions to seek health insurance coverage for vulnerable populations. 


Filtering the services and abilities of large and effective key financial institutions and programmes down to the ground level and to farmers directly is key to improve farmers' livelihoods. Under the leadership of the MOETE, the ACCEL Africa project and GIZ worked on the enhancement of the Egyptian Dual Education System (DES) through a multidimensional approach, which included legislative amendments, capacity development and curricula.


This good practice reflects on how child labour can be tackled by leveraging the network of sector associations such as the Tea Association of Malawi Limited (TAML). TAML in Malawi acted directly on issues related to compliance and due diligence, supported children in targeted communities, built, equipped and helped community school operations and ensured shelters for child victims of child labour, among others services.  Anti-child-labour clubs in Malawi extend into the local communities, giving a chance to children engaged in them to reach out to other at-risk children within tea- and coffee-growing areas, as well as their families and communities at large, to discuss issues related to Child Labour from their own perspective and experience.


The accelerated schooling programme in Mali provides boys and girls in remote areas, school dropouts or who have no access to schools, a second chance to enrol or re-enrol in education. It provides equal chances and accessibility for both boys and girls. Digital platforms and digital awareness raising on child labour and financial education are a highly innovative and effective means to address one of the major root causes of child labour: poverty.


The Ministry of Labour and Employment, in partnership with ACCEL, mobilized, upgraded and institutionalized all forms of relevant governing and coordinating institutions -at national, state and local levels- to support the fight against child labour in Nigeria. Community funding initiatives are crucial to the sustainability of the project results and have the potential to serve to build ownership and support the implementation of exit strategies.


This practice stresses the importance of engaging employers at different levels and through varying tools and means in accelerating action against child labour. To allow VSLAs in Uganda to obtain access to complementary formal services, ACCEL Africa linked them to formal service providers such as Equity Bank through a digital platform offered by MobiPay.


Having data producers, such as national statistical offices, at the same table as data users, such as relevant ministries, employers’ and workers’ organizations, from the onset of the idea of research saves time, promotes smoother research processes, builds ownership, and supports the production of more relevant data and research.One of the ACCEL Africa project’s activities was to train journalists to better communicate child labour issues and ensure that information is accurate, with a shared understanding of the main concepts and conventions, as well as to improve the quality and quantity of reporting of child labour. In this manner, a specialized training for journalists and communication specialists was prepared.