Fact sheet

Egypt Fact Sheet: SCORE Pilot Programme

The SCORE pilot training programme began in Egypt in 2018, with a sector selection study that identified the chemical and engineering sectors as sectors with high growth and job creation potential and meet other criteria by SCORE globally. The ILO partnered with the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) to identify the SMEs that would benefit most from the training, and fit the criterion of employing 30-300 workers.

Egypt Youth Employment (EYE) Project, funded by the Norwegian Government had introduced SCORE programme in Egypt to train 30 companies in the engineering and chemical sectors, benefiting 250 workers and administrative employees from the participating companies, as well as training and transferring expertise through the formation of factory development and improvement teams for a total of 3246 workers and managers. Implementation targeted the governorates of Qalyoubia and Menoufia.